Handbook of South American Indians
Das Handbook of South American Indians („Handbuch der südamerikanischen Indianer“) ist die ethnologische Standardenzyklopädie zu den indigenen Völkern Südamerikas, herausgegeben ab 1946 und erschienen als Band 143 der Bulletins des Bureau of American Ethnology mit Sitz in Washington D.C. Zahlreiche renommierte Fachgelehrte haben an dem Werk mitgearbeitet, darunter Robert H. Lowie, Alfred Métraux, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Curt Nimuendajú, um nur einige zu nennen. Verantwortlich als Hauptherausgeber zeichnet der US-amerikanische Anthropologe Julian H. Steward (1902–1972). Das Werk ist aufgeteilt in sieben Bände (mit den Erscheinungsdaten Bde. 1–2, 1946; 3–4, 1948; 5, 1949; 6, 1950; 7 (Index), 1959), die einzelnen Bände in verschiedene Teile:
- I Marginale Stämme (1. Indianer im südlichen Südamerika. 2. Indianer des Gran Chaco)
- II Andenkulturen (1. Das Andenhochland. 2. Die zentralen Anden. 3. Die südlichen Anden. 4. Die nördlichen Anden)
- III Stämme des Tropenwaldes (1. Die Küsten- und Amazonas-Tupí. 2. Die Stämme des Mato Grosso und Ostboliviens. 3. Stämme der Montaña und der bolivianischen Ostanden. 4. Stämme des westlichen Amazonasbeckens. 5. Stämme Guyanas und der linken Amazonas-Nebenflüsse. 6. Kulturareale der Tropenwälder)
- IV Zirkumkaribische Stämme (1. Zentralamerikanische Kulturen. 2. Die Kulturen von Nordwest-Südamerika. 3. Die Westindischen Inseln)
- V Vergleichende Ethnologie der südamerikanischen Indianer (1. Interkulturelle Untersuchung südamerikanischer Indianerstämme. 2. Jesuitenmissionen in Südamerika. 3. Die einheimische Bevölkerung Südamerikas. 4. Südamerikanische Kulturen: Eine interpretative Zusammenfassung)
- VI Physische Anthropologie, Linguistik und Kulturgeographie der südamerikanischen Indianer (1. Mensch der Vorzeit. 2. Physikalische Anthropologie 3. Die Sprachen der südamerikanischen Indianer 4. Geographie und Pflanzen- und Tierressourcen)
- VII Index
Das Handbook of South American Indians ist folgendermaßen gegliedert:[1]
The Marginal tribes
Volume 1. The Marginal tribes. 1946
Part 1. Indians of southern South America.
- Introduction, Julian H. Steward.
- The Southern Hunters, John M. Cooper.
- The archeology of Patagonia, Junius Bird.
- The archeology of the Greater Pampa, Gordon R. Willey.
- The Chono, John M. Cooper.
- The Alacaluf, Junius Bird.
- The Yahgan, John M. Cooper.
- The Ona, John M. Cooper.
- The Patagonian and Pampean Hunters, John M. Cooper.
- The Huarpe, Salvador Canals Frau.
- Indians of the Paraná Delta and La Plata Littoral, S. K. Lothrop.
- The Charrua, Antonio Serrano.
Part 2. Indians of the Gran Chaco.
- Ethnography of the Chaco, Alfred Métraux.
- The present-day Indians of the Gran Chaco, Juan Belaieff.
- Eastern Brazil: An introduction, Robert H. Lowie.
- Lagoa Santa Man, Annibal Mattos.
- The sambaquís of the Brazilian coast, Antonio Serrano.
- The Guató, Alfred Métraux.
- The Bororo, Robert H. Lowie.
- Guayakí, Alfred Métraux and Herbert Baldus.
- The Caingang, Alfred Métraux.
- The Northwestern and Central Ge, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Southwestern Cayapó, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Guaitacá by Alfred Métraux.
- The Purí-Coroado linguistic family, Alfred Métraux.
- The Botocudo, Alfred Métraux.
- The Mashacalí, Patashó, and Malalí linguistic families, Alfred Métraux.
- The Camacan linguistic family, Alfred Métraux and Curt Nimuendajú.
- The „Tapuya,“ by Robert H. Lowie.
- The Cariri, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Pancararú, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Tarairiu, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Jeico, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Guck, Robert H. Lowie.
- The Fulnio, Alfred Métraux.
- The Teremembé, Alfred Métraux.
- Bibliography to Volume 1.
The Andean civilizations
Volume 2. The Andean civilizations. 1946.
- Preface, Julian H. Steward.
Part 1. The Andean Highlands
Part 1. The Andean Highlands: An introduction, Wendell C. Bennett.
Part 2. The Central Andes.
- Part 2. The Central Andes.
- The archeology of the Central Andes, Wendell C. Bennett.
- A culture sequence for the North Coast of Perú, Rafael Larco Hoyle.
- Cuzco archeology, Luis E. Valcárcel.
- Inca culture at the time of the Spanish conquest, John Howland Rowe.
- The Quechua in the Colonial world, George Kubler.
- The contemporary Quechua, Bernard Mishkin.
- The Andean calendar, Luis E. Valcárcel.
- Indian markets and fairs in Perú, Luis E. Valcárcel.
- Social and economico-political evolution of the communities of Central Perú, Hildebrando Castro Pozo.
- The Aymara, Harry Tschopik, Jr.
- The Uru-Chipaya, Weston La Barre.
Part 3. The Southern Andes.
Part 3. The Southern Andes.
- The cultural sequence of the North Chilean Coast, Junius B. Bird.
- The historic inhabitants of the North Chilean Coast, Junius B. Bird.
- The Atacameño, Wendell C. Bennett.
- The cultures of the Puna and the Quebrada of Humahuaca, Eduardo Casanova.
- The Diaguita of Chile, Samuel K. Lothrop.
- The Diaguita of Argentina, Fernando Márquez Miranda.
- The Chaco-Santiagueño culture, Fernando Márquez Miranda.
- The culture of La Candelaria, Gordon R. Willey.
- The Comechingón and their neighbors of the Sierras de Córdoba, Francisco de Aparicio.
- The Araucanians, John M. Cooper.
- Expansion of the Araucanians in Argentina, Salvador Canals Frau.
Part 4. The Northern Andes.
- The archeology of Ecuador, Donald Collier.
- The historic tribes of Ecuador, John Murra.
- The archeology of Colombia, Wendell C. Bennett.
- The archeology of San Agustín and Tierradentro, Colombia, Gregorio Hernandéz de Alba.
- The archeology of the Popayán region, Colombia, Henri Lehmann.
- Tribes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, Willard Z. Park.
- The Chibcha, A. L. Kroeber.
- The native tribes and languages of southwestern Colombia, Sergio Elías Ortiz.
- The Highland tribes of southern Colombia, Gregorio Hernández de Alba.
- The modern Quillacinga, Pasto, and Coaiquer, Sergio Elías Ortiz.
- The Moguex-Coconuco, Henri Lehmann.
- Glossary.
- Bibliography to Volume 2.
The Tropical Forest tribes
Volume 3. The Tropical Forest tribes. 1948.
- Preface, Julian H. Steward.
- The tropical forests: An introduction, Robert H. Lowie.
Part 1. The Coastal and Amazonian Tupí.
- The archeology of the Paraná River, Francisco de Aparicio.
- The Guaraní, Alfred Métraux.
- The Tupinamba, Alfred Métraux.
- The Guajá, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Tenetehara, Charles Wagley and Eduardo Galvão.
- The archeology of the Amazon Basin, Betty J. Meggers.
- The Tapirapé, Charles Wagley and Eduardo Galvão.
- The Carajá, William Lipkind.
- The Turiwara and Arua, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Amanayé, Curt Nimuendajú and Alfred Métraux.
- Little-known tribes of the lower Tocantins River region, Curt Numuendajú.
- Little-known tribes of the lower Amazon, Curt Nimuendajú.
- Tribes of the lower and middle Xingú River, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Maué and Arapium, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Mura and Pirahá, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Mundurucú, Donald Horton.
- The Cawahíb, Parintintin, and their neighbors, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Tupí-Cawahíb, Claude Lévi-Strauss.
- The Cayabí, Tapanyuna, and Apiacá, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The tribes of the upper Xingú River, Claude Lévi-Strauss.
Part 2. The tribes of Mato Grosso and eastern Bolivia.
- The Paressí, Alfred Métraux.
- The Nambicuara, Claude Lévi Strauss.
- Tribes of the right bank of the Guaporé River, Claude Lévi-Strauss.
- Tribes of eastern Bolivia and the Madeira headwaters, Alfred Métraux.
- The Sirionó, Allan Holmberg.
- Tribes of the eastern slopes of the Bolivian Andes, Alfred Métraux.
Part 3. Tribes of the Montaña and Bolivian East Andes.
- Tribes of the Montaña: An introduction, Julian H. Steward.
- Tribes of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Montaña, Julian H. Steward and Alfred Métraux.
Part 4. Tribes of the western Amazon Basin.
- Tribes of the Juruá-Purús Basins, Alfred Métraux.
- Tribes of the middle and upper Amazon River, Alfred Métraux.
- The Tucuna, Curt Nimuendajú.
- The Peban tribes, Julian H. Steward and Alfred Métraux.
- Western Tucanoan tribes, Julian H. Steward.
- The Witotoan tribes, Julian H. Steward.
- Tribes of the Uaupés-Caquetá region, Irving Goldman.
Part 5. Tribes of the Guianas and the left Amazon tributaries.
- Tribes of the Guianas, John Gillin.
- The hunting and gathering tribes of the Rio Negro Basin, Alfred Métraux.
- The Warrau, Paul Kirchhoff.
Part 6. Culture areas of the Tropical Forests
Part 6. Culture areas of the Tropical Forests, Julian H. Steward.
- Glossary.
- Bibliography to Volume 3.
The Circum-Caribbean tribes
Volume 4. The Circum-Caribbean tribes. 1948.
- Preface, Julian H. Steward.
- The Circum-Carribbean tribes: An introduction, Julian H. Steward.
Part 1. Central American cultures.
- Central American cultures: An introduction, Frederick Johnson.
- The archeology of Central America.
- The archeology of Central America: An introduction, Wm. Duncan Strong.
- The archeology of Honduras, Wm Duncan Strong.
- The archeology of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Wm Duncan Strong.
- The archeology of Panamá, Samuel K. Lothrop.
- The basic cultures of Central America, Doris Stone.
- The post-Conquest ethnology of Central America.
- The post-Conquest ethnology of Central America: An introduction, Frederick Johnson.
- The Meso-American Division, Frederick Johnson.
- The northern Highland tribes: The Lenca, Doris Stone.
- The Caribbean Lowland tribes: The Mosquito, Sumo, Paya, and Jicaque, Paul Kirchhoff.
- The Caribbean Lowland tribes. The Talamanca Division, Frederick Johnson.
- The tribes west and south of the Panamá Canal, Samuel K. Lothrop.
- The Cuna, David B. Stout.
- The Chocó, David B. Stout.
- The Cayapa and Colorado, John Murra.
- Anthropological needs and possibilities in Central America, Wm. Duncan Strong and Frederick Johnson.
Part 2. The cultures of Northwest South America.
- Sub-Andean tribes of the Cauca Valley, Gregorio Hernández de Alba.
- Tribes of the North Colombia Lowlands, Gregorio Hernández de Alba
- Patángoro and Amaní, Paul Kirchhoff.
- The northeastern extension of Andean culture, Alfred Métraux and Paul Kirchhoff.
- The Goajiro, John M. Armstrong and Alfred Métraux.
- The Guayupé and Sae, Paul Kirchhoff.
- The Betoi and their neighbors, Gregorio Hernández de Alba.
- The Achagua and their neighbors, Gregorio Hernández de Alba.
- The archeology of Venezuela, Alfred Kidder II.
- The Otomac, Paul Kirchhoff.
- Food-gathering tribes of the Venezuelan Llanos, Paul Kirchhoff.
- Tribes of northwestern Venezuela, Gregorio Hernández de Alba
- The tribes of North Central Venezuela, Gregorio Hernández de Alba.
- The tribes of north of the Orinoco River, Paul Kirchhoff.
Part 3. The West Indies.
- The West Indies: An introduction, Irving Rouse.
- The Ciboney, Irving Rouse. (inkl. „The Ethnography of the Ciboney,“ Pedro García Valdes)
- The Arawak, Irving Rouse. (inkl. „The Ethnography of Puerto Rico,“ Adolfo de Hostos)
- The Carib, Irving Rouse.
- Bibliography to Volume 4.
The comparative ethnology of South American Indians
Volume 5. The c[o]mparative ethnology of South American Indians. 1949.
Part 1. A cross-cultural survey of South American Indian tribes.
Architecture and engineering.
- Habitations, Wendell C. Bennett.
- Household furniture, Wendell C. Bennett.
- Religious structures, Wendell C. Bennett.
- Engineering, Wendell C. Bennett.
Manufactures and technology.
- Bark cloth, Alfred Métraux.
- Basketry, Lila M. O’Neale.
- Weaving, Lila M. O’Neale.
- Ceramics, Gordon R. Willey.
- Metallurgy, William C. Root.
- Rubber, Alfred Métraux.
- Weapons, Alfred Métraux.
- Traps, John M. Cooper.
- Fish poisons, Robert F. Heizer.
- Fire making, John M. Cooper.
Social and political life.
- The social and political organization of the Andean peoples, Paul Kirchhoff.
- Social and political organization of the Tropical Forest and Marginal tribes, Robert H. Lowie.
- Property among the Tropical Forest and Marginal tribes, Robert H. Lowie.
- The couvade, Alfred Métraux.
- Boys' initiation rites, Alfred Métraux.
- Warfare, cannibalism, and human trophies, Alfred Métraux.
Esthetic and recreational activities.
- Art, A. L. Kroeber.
- Petroglyphs, Irving Rouse.
- Games and gambling, John M. Cooper.
- Stimulants and narcotics, John M. Cooper.
- Religion and shamanism, Alfred Métraux.
Lore and learning.
- Numbers, measures, weights, and calendars, Wendell C. Bennett.
- Mnemonic and recording devices, Wendell C. Bennett.
- Medical practices, Erwin H. Ackerknecht.
Part 2. Jesuit missions in South America
Part 2. Jesuit missions in South America, Alfred Métraux.
Part 3. The native population of South America,
Part 3. The native population of South America, Julian H. Steward.
Part 4. South American cultures: An interpretative summary
Part 4. South American cultures: An interpretative summary, Julian H. Steward.
- Glossary.
- Bibliography to Volume 5.
Physical anthropology, linguistics, and cultural geography of South American Indians
Volume 6. Physical anthropology, linguistics, and cultural geography of South American Indians. 1950.
Preface, Julian H. Steward.
Part 1. Ancient man.
- The antiquity of man in South America, Theodore D. McCown.
- The present status of the theories concerning primitive man in Argentina, Joaquín Frenguelli.
Part 2. Physical anthropology
Part 2. Physical anthropology. T. Dale Stewart, editor.
Skeletal remains of South American Indians.
- Anthropometry of South American Indian skeletal remains, T. Dale Stewart and Marshall T. Newman.
- Deformity, trephining, and mutilation in South American Indian skeletal remains, T. Dale Stewart.
- Pathological changes in South American Indian skeletal remains, T. Dale Stewart.
- Cephalic deformations of the Indians in Argentina, José Imbelloni.
The living South American Indians.
- Anthropometry of South American Indians, Morris Steggerda.
- The anthropometry of the Indians of Brazil, José Bastos d'Avila.
- The pigmentation and hair of South American Indians, Morris Steggerda.
- Blood groups of South American Indians, William C. Boyd.
- The basal metabolic rates of South American Indians, Elsie A. Wilson.
South American Mestizos.
- Mestizos of South America, Morris Steggerda.
- Brazilian Mestizo types, Maria Julia Pourchet.
The physical anthropology of Chile.
- The anthropometry of the Indians of Chile, Carlos Henckel.
- The geographical pathology of Chile, Ernesto Herzog.
- The physical anthropology of the internal organs among the races of Chile, Carlos Henckel.
Glossary to Part 2.
Part 3. The languages of South American Indians
Part 3. The languages of South American Indians, J. Alden Mason.
Part 4. Geography and plant and animal resources.
- The geography of South America, Carl O. Sauer.
Fauna and ethnozoology of South America, Raymond M. Gilmore.
- The use of wild plants in tropical South America, Claude Lévi-Strauss.
- Cultivated plants of South and Central America, Carl O. Sauer.
- Bibliography to Volume 6.
Volume 7. Index [zu den sechs Bänden des Handbuches]. 1959.
Siehe auch
- Handbook of North American Indians
- Liste südamerikanischer indigener Völker
- Handbook of Middle American Indians