Emmy Andriesse

Emmy Andriesse (Emmy Eugenie Andriesse; * 14. Januar 1914 in Den Haag; † 20. Februar 1953 in Amsterdam) war eine niederländische Fotografin. Neben Éva Besnyő, Cas Oorthuys und Carel Blazer gilt sie als eine Vertreterin der Strömung Nieuwe Fotografie („Neue Fotografie“).
Andriesse wurde als Tochter von Abraham Andriesse und Else Fuld in eine jüdisch-liberale Familie geboren.
Von 1933 bis 1937 besuchte Emmy Andriesse die Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag, speziell die Studienrichtung Reklame-Entwurf bei u. a. Gerrit Kiljan, Paul Schuitema und Piet Zwart. Diese Studienrichtung wurde 1929 neu gegründet und die Medien Fotografie und Film nahmen darin eine besonders große Rolle ein.
1937 nahm sie zusammen mit u. a. Cok de Graaff und Nico Jesse an der Ausstellung 'Foto '37' im Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam mit ihrer Fotoreportage In de Jordaan teil. Im selben Jahr zog Emmy Andriesse nach Amsterdam und arbeitete als Reportagefotografin für verschiedene Zeitungen und Magazine.
1941 heiratete Andriesse den Grafiker und Maler Dick Elffers und bekam mit ihm zwei Söhne: Cas (1943–1945) und Joost (* 1946).
Bekannt wurde Emmy Andriesse durch Fotografien, die sie heimlich während der Besetzung Amsterdams durch die Nationalsozialisten machte. Sie war Mitglied der von Fritz Kahlenberg gegründeten Gruppe De Ondergedoken Camera („Die untergetauchte Kamera“), die zwischen 1943 und 1945 die Besetzung der Niederlande während des Zweiten Weltkrieges dokumentierte.[1]
Nach dem Krieg spezialisierte sich Emmy Andriesse auf Reportage-, Porträt- und Modefotografie.
Sie starb 1953 im Alter von 39 Jahren an Krebs.
Das Foto- und Negativarchiv von Emmy Andriesse befindet sich im Prentenkabinet der Universität Leiden.[2]
- Personen der Zeitgeschichte
- Juliette Gréco und Erskine Caldwell, 1948
- Rosa Spier, 1950
- Charles Eyck, 1951
- Ernst Morgenthaler, circa 1949
- Alberto Giacometti und sein Atelier in Paris
- Ende 1940er Jahre
- in seinem Atelier
- in Paris
- Niederländische Hungerwinter, 1944–1945
- Fünf Kinder unter einer Decke, Niederlande im Zweiten Weltkrieg
- Kultur und Kunst
- Fest in Volendam
Juli 1945 - Fest in Volendam
Juli 1945 - Der Liebesbrief von Johannes Vermeer, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Juli 1945
- Anatomie des Dr. Deijman von Rembrandt
Rijksmuseum 1945
- Architektur
- Haus von Dr. Gachet, Arzt von Vincent van Gogh
1951 - Église Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption von Rue du Montcel, Auvers-sur-Oise
1951 - Auberge Ravoux, wo Van Gogh die letzten Tage vor seinem Tod verbrachte
1951 - Grabsteine von Vincent und Theo van Gogh, Cimetière d'Auvers-sur-Oise, 1951
- Louise van Santen (Text): emmy andriesse. foto’s 1944/52. Rijksmuseum Vincent van Gogh, Amsterdam 1975
- Hripsimé Visser & Flip Bool (Text): Emmy Andriesse (1914-1953). Focus, Amsterdam 1995, ISBN 90-72216-90-3
- Emmy Andriesse, Eintrag auf der Website des Jüdisches Museum Amsterdam
- Emmy Andriesse. Photographs of Jewish Amsterdam, War and Liberation, Ausstellung im Jüdische Historischen Museum Amsterdam, 2012
- ↑ Jüdisches Amsterdam. Eine Ausstellung mit Fotos von Emmy AndriesseJoods Historisch Museum Amsterdam, 2012
- ↑ Bildarchiv der Universität Leiden (englisch)
Personendaten | |
NAME | Andriesse, Emmy |
ALTERNATIVNAMEN | Andriesse, Emmy Eugenie (vollständiger Name) |
KURZBESCHREIBUNG | niederländische Fotografin |
GEBURTSDATUM | 14. Januar 1914 |
STERBEDATUM | 20. Februar 1953 |
STERBEORT | Amsterdam |
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Feesten en kermis te Volendam. Twee Volendammers in feeststemming. Datum: juli 1945
Title | [Giacometti] PK-F-A.06805 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-A.06805 |
Subject (topical) | StreetsMen (male humans) Artists Sculptors |
Subject (geographic) | Frankrijk |
Other version | Contactafdruk in contactalbum XV, p. 11 |
Note | Nationaliteit fotograaf: Nederland. |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | [Tussen 19XX en 1953] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1663629 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Omschrijving: De harpiste Rosa Spier (1891-1967), spelend op haar harp. Nederland, plaats onbekend, 1950.
Title | Maison du Docteur Gachet, 78 Rue Gachet, Auvers-sur-Oise PK-F-EAB.2266 |
Statement of responsibility | Emmy Andriesse. |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAB.2266 |
Subject (topical) | Houses |
Subject (geographic) | FranceAuvers-sur-Oise |
Other version | Contact print in Emmy Andriesse album with contact prints XVIII (PK-F-C-EA.18), page 39.Photoprint PK-F-EAB.2266. |
Note | Title devised from content by Library Staff.Part of series photographs commissioned by publisher Bert Bakker for the publication W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953. (This photograph isn't published in the book). Paul Gachet (1828-1909) was Vincent van Goghs's doctor in Auvers-sur-Oise. Van Gogh made paintings of the garden of the house of Gachet en portraits of Paul Gachet and of his daughter. The photo is pasted on a cardboard of Prentenkabinet Leiden (32.5 x 25 cm). |
Reference | W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953 |
Part of series:Part of: | |
Part of | Van GoghEmmy Eugenie Andriesse collection |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Form | 1 photograph ; 21.4 x 20.6 cm (image), 21.4 x 20.6 cm (sheet) |
Extent | 1 scan |
Published/created | Auvers-sur-Oise, [between 1951 and 1952] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1893707 |
Published (digital) | Leiden University Libraries, |
Title | Meisje op straat tijdens de Hongerwinter PK-F-EAA.3555 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAA.3555 |
Subject (topical) | GirlsPortraits Inhabited places Streets |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | [Tussen 1939 en 1949] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1897167 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Title | [Alberto Giacometti, Paris] PK-F-A.06809 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-A.06809 |
Subject (topical) | StreetsPortraits Men (male humans) Artists Sculptors |
Subject (geographic) | Frankrijk |
Other version | Contactafdruk in contactalbum XV, p. 11 |
Note | Nationaliteit fotograaf: Nederland. |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | 1948 |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1659703 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Title | Gravestones of Vincent and Theo van Gogh at the Cimetière d'Auvers-sur-Oise PK-F-B.00571 |
Statement of responsibility | Emmy Andriesse. |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-B.00571 |
Subject (topical) | GraveyardsTombstones (sepulchral monuments) |
Subject (geographic) | FranceAuvers-sur-Oise |
Other version | Photoprint PK-F-EAB.571-1.Photoprint PK-F-EAB.571-2. Photoprint PK-F-EAB.571-3. |
Note | Title devised from content by Library Staff.Part of series photographs commissioned by publisher Bert Bakker for the publication W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953. (This photograph isn't published in the book). Contact print glued to a loose page with other contact prints (no negative available), in Emmy Andriesse album with contact prints XVIII (PK-F-C-EA.18), page 36. Source: Unpublished inventory Emmy Andriesse negatives part 2, numbers A.5060-A.10000, B.1-B.2441. |
Reference | W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953 |
Part of series:Part of: | |
Part of | Van GoghEmmy Eugenie Andriesse collection |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Form | 1 photograph : contact print ; 5.5 x 5.6 cm (mage), 5.5 x 5.6 cm (sheet), 28.5 x 22.9 cm (object) |
Extent | 1 scan |
Location | NL-LeU |
Published/created | Auvers-sur-Oise, [between 1951 and 1952]. |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:3657065 |
Published (digital) | Leiden University Libraries, |
Title | [Zonder titel] PK-F-EAA.7007. Ernst Morgenthaler |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAA.7007 |
Subject (topical) | Men (male humans)Portraits |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | [ca. 1949] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1666381 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Title | Juliette Gréco en Erskine Caldwell PK-F-EAA.5752-1 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAA.5752-1 |
Subject (topical) | People (agents)Groups of people Portraits |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | France |
Extent | Elektronische bron (1 foto) |
Published/created | [Between 1943 and 1953] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:2004698 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Omschrijving: Uit een serie portretten van Kunstenaars en schrijvers een fotoserie over Charles Eyck (1897-1983), Limburgs beeldend kunstenaar. Hier is hij bezig met de werktekeningen voor de raampjes in het raadhuis in Arcen in zijn glas en loodatelier. Nederland, Tegelen, 1951.<>
Title | Église Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption seen from Rue du Montcel, Auvers-sur-Oise PK-F-EAB.564 |
Statement of responsibility | Emmy Andriesse. |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAB.564 |
Subject (topical) | Churches (buildings |
Subject (geographic) | FranceAuvers-sur-Oise |
Other version | Contact print in Emmy Andriesse album with contact prints XVIII (PK-F-C-EA.18), page 35.Negative PK-F-B.00564. |
Note | Title devised from content by Library Staff.Part of series photographs commissioned by publisher Bert Bakker for the publication W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953. (This photograph isn't published in the book). The photo is pasted on a cardboard of Prentenkabinet Leiden (32.5 x 25 cm). |
Reference | W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953J.-B. de la Faille, The works of Vincent van Gogh. His paintings and drawings, Amsterdam 1970, |
Part of series:Part of: | |
Part of | Van GoghEmmy Eugenie Andriesse collection |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Form | 1 photograph ; 18.5 x 18.3 cm (image), 18.5 x 18.3 cm (sheet) |
Extent | 1 scan |
Published/created | Auvers-sur-Oise, [between 1951 and 1952] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1898205 |
Published (digital) | Leiden University Libraries, |
Title | In lompen gestoken voeten (ene voet in oude schoen, andere voet in oude pantoffel) tijdens de Hongerwinter PK-F-EAA.3638 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAA.3638 |
Subject (topical) | People (agents)Animal or human components Feet (animal or human components) |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | [Tussen 1939 en 1949] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1900194 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Title | [Giacometti] PK-F-A.06803 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Creator/other |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
Shelfmark | PK-F-A.06803 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject (topical) | Men (male humans)Artists Sculptors | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject (geographic) | Frankrijk | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Other version | Contactafdruk in contactalbum XV, p. 11 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | Nationaliteit fotograaf: Nederland. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Language | No linguistic content | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Extent | scan | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Published/created | [Tussen 19XX en 1953] | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1664796 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden |
Vijf kinderen onder een deken tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog.
Title | [Giacometti] PK-F-A.06801 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-A.06801 |
Subject (topical) | PortraitsMen (male humans) Artists Sculptors |
Subject (geographic) | Frankrijk |
Other version | Contactafdruk in contactalbum XV, p. 11 |
Note | Nationaliteit fotograaf: Nederland. |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | [Tussen 19XX en 1953] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1665401 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Title | [Zonder titel] PK-F-EAA.3768-2 |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAA.3768-2 |
Subject (topical) | BoysInhabited places Utensils Streets Kitchenware Pans (containers) |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Extent | scan |
Published/created | [Tussen 1944 en 1945] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:1896033 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Anefo
Reportage / Serie : Kunst: Rijksmuseum [herinrichting zalen]
Beschrijving : "De Anatomische les van dr. J. Deijman" van Rembrandt
Datum : juli 1945
Locatie : Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Trefwoorden : musea, schilderijen
Fotograaf : Andriesse, Emmy / Anefo
Auteursrechthebbende : Nationaal Archief
Materiaalsoort : Negatief (zwart/wit)
Nummer archiefinventaris : bekijk toegang
Title | Auberge Ravoux at the Place de la Mairie near Rue du Général de Gaulle, Auvers-sur-Oise PK-F-B.00552 |
Statement of responsibility | Emmy Andriesse. |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-B.00552 |
Subject (topical) | Cafés (restaurants)Inns (built works) |
Subject (geographic) | FranceAuvers-sur-Oise |
Other version | Photoprint PK-F-EAB.552 |
Note | Title devised from content by Library Staff.Part of series photographs commissioned by publisher Bert Bakker for the publication W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953. (This photograph is published on page 135). Van Gogh rented a room in the Auberge Ravoux from 20 May 1890. On 20 July, Van Gogh attempted suicide. He died of his wounds - a gunshot wound to the chest - on 19 July 1890, in his room in the inn. Source: Unpublished inventory Emmy Andriesse negatives part 2, numbers A.5060-A.10000, B.1-B.2441. Contact print glued to a loose page with other contact prints (no negative available), in Emmy Andriesse album with contact prints XVIII (PK-F-C-EA.18), page 39. |
Reference | W. Jos de Gruyter a.o., de Wereld van Van Gogh = le Monde de Van Gogh = the World of Van Gogh, Amsterdam 1953 |
Part of series:Part of: | |
Part of | Van GoghEmmy Eugenie Andriesse collection |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | No place, unknown, or undetermined |
Form | 1 photograph : contact print ; 5.4 x 5.4 cm (image), 5.4 x 5.4 cm (sheet), 28.5 x 22.9 cm (object) |
Extent | 1 scan |
Published/created | Auvers-sur-Oise, [between 1951 and 1952]. |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:3657154 |
Published (digital) | Leiden University Libraries, |
Title | [Zonder titel] PK-F-EAA.334-1. Zelfportret, Emmy Andriesse. Achtergrond: Dick Elffers. Amstel 248, Amsterdam (1951) |
Creator/other | Andriesse, Emmy (1914-1953) |
Shelfmark | PK-F-EAA.334-1 |
Subject (topical) | People (agents)Groups of people Portraits |
Language | No linguistic content |
Country | Netherland |
Extent | Elektronische bron (1 foto) |
Published/created | [1951] |
Persistent URL | http://hdl.handle.net/1887.1/item:2005300 |
Published (digital) | Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden, |
The painting The Letter by Johannes Vermeer is hung back in the Rijksmuseum (July 1, 1945)