Deutscher Theaterpreis Der Faust/Beste Choreographie

In der Kategorie Beste Choreographie wurde der Deutsche Theaterpreis Der Faust seit 2006 an folgende Choreographen vergeben.


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William Forsythe 2012 (cropped).jpg
Performance at the United Nations Office at Geneva - Feb 23, 24, 25.

In 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Over 50 years later, in a joint project with Professor Kendall Thomas, The Forsythe Company focuses on the act of inscribing basic rules for both the individual and society. «Human Writes» is a performative installation that reflects the history of human rights and the continuing obstacles to their full implementation. (Imanuel Schipper)

The Geneva performance of Human Writes was undertaken with the support of the UN office at Geneva in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Switzerland, the United States, and Germany.