Corn Ranch

Die Corn Ranch, auch Launch Site One, ist ein Weltraumbahnhof und ein Testgelände für Raketentriebwerke im Culberson County im Westen des US-Bundesstaats Texas.[1] Das Gelände wird von dem US-amerikanischen Raumfahrtunternehmen Blue Origin für suborbitale Starts und Landungen der Rakete New Shepard genutzt.[2]
- ↑ Office of Commercial Space Transportation (Hrsg.): Licence Order Regarding Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Missions. LRLO 17-105C (Rev 3), 13. August 2021.
- ↑ New Shepard suffers in-flight abort on uncrewed NS-23 mission. Nasaspaceflight, 12. September 2022.
Koordinaten: 31° 25′ 24″ N, 104° 45′ 32″ W
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Blue Origin test fires a powerful new hydrogen- and oxygen-fueled American rocket engine at the company's West Texas facility. During the test, the BE-3 engine fired at full power for more than two minutes to simulate a launch, then paused for about four minutes, mimicking a coast through space before it re-ignited for a brief final burn. The last phase of the test covered the work the engine could perform in landing the booster back softly on Earth. Blue Origin, a partner of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program, or CCP, is developing its Orbital Launch Vehicle, which could eventually be used to launch the company's Space Vehicle into orbit to transport crew and cargo to low-Earth orbit. CCP is aiding in the innovation and development of American-led commercial capabilities for crew transportation and rescue services to and from the station and other low-Earth orbit destinations by the end of 2017.