Corbin Building

Koordinaten: 40° 42′ 51,7″ N, 74° 0′ 21,5″ W

Außenansicht (2013)

Das Corbin Building ist ein neun Stockwerke hohes Gebäude in Manhattan, New York City. Das ehemalige Bürogebäude wurde von dem Architekten Francis H. Kimball entworfen, 1888 erbaut und 1889 eröffnet. Benannt wurde es nach dem Präsidenten der Long Island Rail Road, Austin Corbin. Es befindet sich in 192 Broadway.[1]


Bei der Errichtung war das Gebäude eines der höchsten der Stadt und beherbergte überwiegend Büros. Im Jahr seiner Eröffnung war vor allem das Penthouse ein Highlight des Gebäudes.[2] Die Fassade besteht aus einem Mix aus Ziegeln, Stein und Terrakotta. Am 18. Dezember 2003 wurde es unter der Nummer 05001287 in das National Register of Historic Places eingetragen.[2]

Neueste Entwicklungen

Im Rahmen des neuen Projekts des Fulton Street Transit Center, das sich direkt neben dem Corbin Building befindet, plante die New York City Transit Authority ursprünglich das Gebäude abzureißen, jedoch stemmten sich lokale Verbände und Vertreter der Landmarks Preservation Commission dagegen und erwirkten, dass das Gebäude unter Denkmalschutz gestellt wurde. Die neuen Pläne sehen vor, dass das Gebäude komplett restauriert wird. Um den Zustand um die Jahrhundertwende wiederherzustellen, sollen sowohl Fassade saniert werden als auch ein neues Dach eingesetzt werden. Die unteren Etagen werden jedoch umfunktioniert zu den Eingängen des Transit Centers.[3]


  1. Emporis Datenübersicht
  2. a b Historic Building Preservation - Denkmalschutzbericht (englisch)
  3. Zeitungsbericht über die Renovierung des Gebäudes (Memento des Originals vom 23. August 2012 im Internet Archive)  Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/ (englisch)


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Corbin Building 13 John Street.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Beyond My Ken, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0

The Corbin Building is a historic former office building located at 13 John Street at the corner of Broadway – where it is numbered as 192 – in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1888-89 and was designed by Francis H. Kimball in the Romanesque Revival style. The building was named for Austin Corbin, a president of the Long Island Rail Road. It is currently being rehabilitated by the MTA as part of the Fulton Center project. The ground and basement levels of the building will be incorporated into the Transit Center and serve as an entrance to the subway station below. The exterior and interior of the building will be restored to resemble its original 19th century construction as closely as possible.


Dieses Bild zeigt ein Objekt, das im National Register of Historic Places der Vereinigten Staaten verzeichnet ist. Die Referenznummer lautet 03001302.

Corbin Building 13 John Street window.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Beyond My Ken, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Corbin Building is a historic former office building located at 13 John Street at the corner of Broadway – where it is numbered as 192 – in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1888-89 and was designed by Francis H. Kimball in the Romanesque Revival style. The building was named for Austin Corbin, a president of the Long Island Rail Road. It is currently being rehabilitated by the MTA as part of the Fulton Center project. The ground and basement levels of the building will be incorporated into the Transit Center and serve as an entrance to the subway station below. The exterior and interior of the building will be restored to resemble its original 19th century construction as closely as possible.
Corbin Building 13 John Street top.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Beyond My Ken, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Corbin Building is a historic former office building located at 13 John Street at the corner of Broadway – where it is numbered as 192 – in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1888-89 and was designed by Francis H. Kimball in the Romanesque Revival style. The building was named for Austin Corbin, a president of the Long Island Rail Road. It is currently being rehabilitated by the MTA as part of the Fulton Center project. The ground and basement levels of the building will be incorporated into the Transit Center and serve as an entrance to the subway station below. The exterior and interior of the building will be restored to resemble its original 19th century construction as closely as possible.
Corbin Building 13 John Street entrance.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Beyond My Ken, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
The Corbin Building is a historic former office building located at 13 John Street at the corner of Broadway – where it is numbered as 192 – in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1888-89 and was designed by Francis H. Kimball in the Romanesque Revival style. The building was named for Austin Corbin, a president of the Long Island Rail Road. It is currently being rehabilitated by the MTA as part of the Fulton Center project. The ground and basement levels of the building will be incorporated into the Transit Center and serve as an entrance to the subway station below. The exterior and interior of the building will be restored to resemble its original 19th century construction as closely as possible.