Chris Miller (Animator)
Christopher „Chris“ Miller (* 1968[1]) ist ein US-amerikanischer Synchronsprecher, Stimmenimitator, Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor und Regisseur.
Leben und Karriere
Chris Miller hat schon als Kind gern gezeichnet und Daumenkinos oder Klappbüchlein hergestellt. Er studierte am California Institute of Arts (CalArts) und arbeitet seit 1998 für das Filmstudio DreamWorks SKG. Als Drehbuchautor verfasste Miller zusätzliche Dialoge für die Filme Shrek – Der tollkühne Held und er vertonte die Stimmen für den Magic Mirror (Magischer Spiegel) und die Figur Gepetto in diesem Film. Auch für Shrek 2 – Der tollkühne Held kehrt zurück schrieb er mehrere Dialoge, bevor für Shrek der Dritte schließlich für das komplette Drehbuch zuständig war und Regie führte.[2]
Mit Der gestiefelte Kater aus dem Jahr 2011 inszenierte er schließlich seinen zweiten Langfilm und wurde dafür 2012 für den Oscar nominiert.
Als Synchronsprecher ist er vor allem für die Sprechrolle des Kowalski aus den Madagascar-Filmen bekannt.
Filmografie (Auswahl)
- 2001: Shrek – Der tollkühne Held (Shrek)
- 2004: Shrek 2 – Der tollkühne Held kehrt zurück (Shrek 2)
- 2005: Madagascar
- 2005: Die Madagascar-Pinguine in vorweihnachtlicher Mission (The Madagascar Penguins in A Christmas Caper)
- 2007: Shrek der Dritte (Shrek the Third, auch Regie)
- 2008: Madagascar 2 (Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa)
- 2009: Monsters vs. Aliens
- 2010: Für immer Shrek (Shrek Forever After)
- 2011: Der gestiefelte Kater (Puss in Boots, Regie, auch als 3D-Version)
- 2012: Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Europa (Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted)
- Chris Miller Biografie auf
- Chris Miller auf
- Chris Miller in der Internet Movie Database (englisch)
- Chris Miller auf
- Chris Miller in der Deutschen Synchronkartei
- ↑ Matthew Belloni: THR's Animation Roundtable: 7 Top Filmmakers Debate R-Rated Toons and If 'Tintin' Should Be Eligible for Ani Oscar. In: The Hollywood Reporter, 22. Dezember 2011.
- ↑ Biografie auf, abgerufen am 29. November 2012.
Personendaten | |
NAME | Miller, Chris |
ALTERNATIVNAMEN | Miller, Christopher (vollständiger Name) |
KURZBESCHREIBUNG | US-amerikanischer Synchronsprecher, Stimmenimitator und Schauspieler |
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
(c) Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0
Salma Hayek and director Chris Miller at the premiere of Puss in Boots 3D in Paris
Autor/Urheber: Eva Rinaldi , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Puss In Boots Australian Premiere: Sydney's Entertainment Quarter Puss Mania, by Eva Rinaldi
The Puss In Boots Australian premiere took place at Moore Park, Fox Studios today, and it was quite the cat's meow (and hot alongside the yellow carpet).
It was just about the purr fect time, with the holiday season coming up down under in Australia.
Lots of teen girls attended this this one, with many bringing along their mums.
Sydney media were glued to the yellow carpet and and no kitty litter was required, but bottles of water were popular with the crowd.
Promotional blurb reads "A story about the events leading up to the sword fighting cat's meeting with Shrek and his friends", but that's making it sound too simple.
Vet's and the like will advise you that cats don’t like being sprayed in the face with water. It may go without saying, but most users of a litter box also don’t care to be smacked in the head with a guitar.
Fortunately, we have cartoons like “Puss in Boots” to swing the point home.
Some people know him as Frisky Two Times, some as the Chupacabra. But, most refer to him as Puss in Boots (voice of Antonio Banderas), a feline unlike any other, both because of his famous footwear and his well known cat fighting skills.
After appearing as a sidekick in three “Shrek” movies and numerous holiday specials, it’s great to see an expanded presentation of Banderas’ most beloved role, with Puss bearing more of a resemblance to the famous Zorro. His wicked sense of humour is loved by millions.
DreamWorks Animation and Paramount Pictures have done Puss justice with this production, and we hope the numbers are good for their beancounting friends. The good news is that it's not a dog of a film.
The puss personality lends itself to fast-paced or is that fast footed adventure and hilarity, to put you and your cat in stitches.
Puss in Boots is a well known entity, but this cat flick also comes across as fresh and very cool for cats.
Australia will not be changing the flicks name to 'Cat In Boots' as the United Arab Emirates has done. Us Aussies remain very high on the original 'Puss'.
Round up the kids of all ages and lick up the action at Puss In Boots. It's truly the cat's meow. 4 out of 5 paws.
Director: Chris Miller Writers: Charles Perrault, Brian Lynch Staring: Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek and Zach Galifianakis
Puss In Boots (Australia)
Paramount Pictures
DreamWorks Animation SKG
The Entertainment Quarter
Eva Rinaldi Photography Flickr
Eva Rinaldi Photography