Chief of Naval Operations

Dienstflagge des Chief of Naval Operations

Der Chief of Naval Operations (kurz CNO, dt. etwa: Chef der Marineoperationen) ist der ranghöchste Offizier und Admiralstabschef der US Navy. Von 1922 bis 1945 war der Chief of United States Fleet der ranghöchste Offizier der Navy und der Chief of Naval Operations der zweithöchste Offizier der Navy.


Die Dienststellung CNO ist ein Admiral, der administrativ dem Secretary of the Navy (SecNav; dt. etwa: Marineminister) unterstellt ist, nicht aber operativ. Er hat eher eine administrative denn operative Rolle innerhalb der US Navy, die Kommandokette umgeht ihn, da der Verteidigungsminister Befehle direkt an regionale Kommandostellen, die Unified Combatant Commands weitergibt. Er wird von seinem Stellvertreter, dem Vice Chief of Naval Operations, unterstützt.

Als Mitglied der Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), dem vereinigten Generalstab der US-Streitkräfte, ist der CNO der Hauptberater des Präsidenten in Marinefragen, verantwortlich für die Ressourcenverteilung in der US Navy und die operative Einsatzfähigkeit der ihm unterstellten Streitkräfte.

Sein Hauptquartier befindet sich auf dem Washington Navy Yard.

Liste der Chiefs of Naval Operations

Nr.NameBildBeginn der BerufungEnde der Berufung
33.Lisa Franchetti3. November 2023---
32Michael M. Gilday22. August 201914. August 2023
31John M. Richardson18. September 201522. August 2019
30Jonathan W. Greenert23. September 201118. September 2015
29Gary Roughead29. September 200723. September 2011
28Michael G. Mullen22. Juli 200529. September 2007
27Vernon E. Clark21. Juli 200022. Juli 2005
26Jay L. Johnson16. Mai 199621. Juli 2000
25Jeremy M. Boorda23. April 199416. Mai 1996
24Frank B. Kelso II.29. Juni 199023. April 1994
23Carlisle A. H. Trost1. Juli 198629. Juni 1990
22James D. Watkins30. Juni 198230. Juni 1986
21Thomas B. Hayward1. Juli 197830. Juni 1982
20James L. Holloway III.29. Juni 19741. Juli 1978
19Elmo R. Zumwalt1. Juli 197029. Juni 1974
18Thomas H. Moorer1. August 19671. Juli 1970
17David L. McDonald1. August 19631. August 1967
16George W. Anderson, Jr.1. August 19611. August 1963
15Arleigh A. Burke17. August 19551. August 1961
14Robert B. Carney17. August 195317. August 1955
13William M. Fechteler16. August 195117. August 1953
12Forrest P. Sherman2. November 194922. Juli 1951
11Louis E. Denfeld15. Dezember 19472. November 1949
10Chester W. Nimitz15. Dezember 194515. Dezember 1947
9Ernest J. King2. März 194215. Dezember 1945
8Harold R. Stark1. August 19392. März 1942
7William D. Leahy2. Januar 19371. August 1939
6William H. Standley1. Juli 19331. Januar 1937
5William V. Pratt17. September 193030. Juni 1933
4Charles F. Hughes14. November 192717. September 1930
3Edward W. Eberle21. Juli 192314. November 1927
2Robert E. Coontz1. November 191921. Juli 1923
1William S. Benson11. Mai 191525. September 1919


  • Robert William Love (Hrsg.): The Chiefs of Naval Operations. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis MD 1980, ISBN 0-87021-115-3.
  • Thomas C. Hone: Power and Change. The Administrative History of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 1946–1986 (= Contributions to Naval History. Vol. 2). Naval Historical Center, Washington DC 1989, ISBN 0-945274-02-5.

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

ADM Hayward, Thomas B CNO Official Portrait.jpg
Admiral Thomas B. Hayward, Chief of Naval Operations
William S. Benson.jpg
William S. Benson, 1st Chief of Naval Operations
William Veazie Pratt.jpg
Photo # NH 77034-KN Admiral William V. Pratt. Portrait by C.A. Slade.
Harold Rainsford Stark.jpg
Photo # NH 49967 Adm. Harold R. Stark, April 1940.
William Leahy.jpg
Picture of William Leahy, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from Navy historic site -
Photo # 80-G-K-14447
403×467 (41 KB) version previously uploaded 10:54, 6 February 2004 (UTC) by Raul654 (talkcontribs) to en:wiki.
William Standley 80-G-K-2786 (26144162862).jpg
80-G-K-2786: Admiral William H. Standley USN (Retired). Formal Full-Face view seated in a chair. Former Chief of Naval Operations. February 16, 1945. Naval History and Heritage Command. (2016/04/04).
Admiral George W. Anderson, Jr., USN, 16th Chief of Naval Operations
Robert Bostwick Carney.jpg
Robert B. Carney, 14th Chief of Naval Operations
ADM John M. Richardson, USN.jpg
ADM John Richardson, USN
David L McDonald.jpg
David L. McDonald, 17th Chief of Naval Operations
Jonathan W. Greenert.jpg
Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert, US Navy
Admiral Vern Clark of the United States Navy in mid-2000.
Flag of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army.svg
Flag of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Flag of the United States Chief of Naval Operations.svg

Flag of the United States Chief of Naval Operations. The position was created in 1915, but the flag just dates from 1964. It is defined in naval regulations, document NTP 13(B) [1] section 1810, as:

The personal flag of the Chief of Naval Operations consists of a blue and white rectangular background divided diagonally from lower hoist to upper fly, blue above and white below. In the center of the flag appears an adaption of the center of the official seal of the Chief of Naval Operations, consisting of an eagle clutching an anchor, all in proper colors, encircled by fifty links of gold chain. Directly above, below and to each side of the circular center design is a 5-point star with one point upward. On the blue field the two stars are white and on the white field the two stars are blue. A gold fringe is authorized for use with the flag when it is displayed in a static indoor position. The cord and tassels are of golden yellow.
For more information, see SeaFlags.
Ernest King.jpg
Admiral Ernest J. King, USN
Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet.
Arleigh Burke 1951.jpg

United States Rear Admiral Arleigh Burke, 1951

  • Photo # NH 50190
  • RAdm. Arleigh A. Burke
James Holloway III.jpg
ADM James L. Holloway III from [1]
Chester Nimitz-fleet-admiral.jpg
Flottenadmiral Chester Nimitz, etwa 1945. Aus der englischen Wikipedia (Public Domain)
80-G-704054 (25687376813).jpg
80-G-704054: Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, U.S. Navy. U.S. Navy photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. (2016/04/07).
Flag of the National Guard Bureau.svg
Flag of the Chief of the United States National Guard Bureau.
Rear Admiral Edward W. Eberle, USN - 19-N-7151.jpg
Photographed 25 June 1921. Photograph from the Bureau of Ships Collection in the U.S. National Archives.
ADM Lisa M. Franchetti (2).jpg
Admiral Lisa Franchetti assumed the duties as Vice Chief of Naval Operations Sept. 2, 2022.
Gilday CNO.jpg
Admiral Gilday as Chief of Naval Operations in 2019
Charles Frederick Hughes.jpg
Charles Frederick Hughes, from Time Magazine's cover for May 9, 1927