Chesterfield (Mantel)
Der Chesterfield ist ein streng geschnittener, einreihiger Herrenmantel, der als Stadt- und Besuchsmantel gilt. Er hat eine anzugartige Fasson, schräge Pattentaschen und eine verdeckte Knopfleiste. Das Vorderteil reicht bis über das Knie. Die Farbe ist meist mittel- oder hellgrau.[1]
Das Mantelmodell war spätestens seit Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts unter der Bezeichnung Chesterfield bekannt.[2]
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Autor/Urheber: Internet Archive Book Images, Lizenz: No restrictions
Identifier: busymansjuldec1907toro (find matches)
Title: Busyman's Magazine, July-December 1907
Year: 1907 (1900s)
Publisher: Toronto
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: Algoma University, Trent University, Lakehead University, Laurentian University, Nipissing University, Ryerson University and University of Toronto Libraries
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teed by the fact that we have first classdesigners who make a study of styles, and they giveour coats all the little touches of fashion making themselect and smartlooking. The WORKMANSHIP in Eaton made Coatsis the best that skilled labor can produce, for, ourfactories are among the best equipped in the worldand every process in the making of a coat isthoroughly inspected and criticized by experts, and,in the making of each garment goes years of manu-facturing experience. We buy the MATERIAL direct from reliablemills and every piece must be up to our standard ofquality and is thoroughly examined before being cut into. The quantities we handle and our method of buy-ing for cash only maf^e it possible for us to get everyprice concession to be had, and. making the goodsourselves, Tve eliminate all middle mens profits sothat^ou get a Coat first class in APPEARANCE,WORKMANSHIP and MATERIAL with ourstrongest guarantee to back lU o ^ price that onlysuch manufacturing facilities make possible.
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E.3-35 The Coat illustrated is of Fine Imported English Melton Cloth, 30 ounces to the yard, made in Chesterfield style, 46 inches long, solid material, black satin shoulder and sleeve linings, hand worked button holes, hand padded collars, bluff edge lapels, as cut E.3-3 5 $22.50 T. EATON C9 LIMITED TORONTO CANADA When writing advertisers kindly mention Busy Mans Magazine. The BUSY MANSMAGAZINE Vol XV DECEMBER 190 7 No 2 4=^ A Canadian Wit A Brilliant Entertainer and Most Successful Business Man By C. Egbert Robmaster
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