
Ein Charpai (Hindi:चारपाई, cārapāī, wörtlich: „vier Füße“; anglisierend auch Charpoy) ist ein traditionelles Bettgestell in Indien und Pakistan.[1] Es besteht aus einem mit Seilen oder Stoffgurten bespannten Holzrahmen mit vier Füßen und findet als Liege- und Sitzmöbel Verwendung. Es ist beweglich und leicht zu transportieren, oft auch zusammenlegbar.[2]

Commons: Charpai – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  1. Charpoy Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, 1908
  2. The modern day charpoy

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Supporting people as they return home to still-flooded land (5331088320).jpg
Autor/Urheber: DFID - UK Department for International Development, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0

Families returning to their communities following the flooding in Pakistan are often being forced to camp by the roadside, as the flood waters have still not receded sufficiently for them to return to their homes.

This family are setting up 'charpoy' beds next to a vast expanse of still-flooded fields - the land that they used to farm.

The UK government is working with the government of Pakistan, other donor governments, international NGOs and UN agencies to meet the immediate humanitarian needs of more than 20 million people who were affected by the floods, such as shelter, water, sanitation and basic healthcare.

Find out more about the UK government's response to the Pakistan floods at

Image: DFID/Russell Watkins

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This image is posted under a Creative Commons - Attribution Licence, in accordance with the Open Government Licence. You are free to embed, download or otherwise re-use it, as long as you credit the source as 'Department for International Development'.
Cot-rope,traditional -Tamil Nadu51.JPG
rope cot,Tamil Nadu, India
தமிழ்: திண்ணையின் மேலுள்ள கயிற்றுக் கட்டில்,சேலம் மாவட்டம், தமிழ்நாடு
Cot,children,naraiyur,rural,Tamil Nadu439.JPG
Autor/Urheber: தகவலுழவன், Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
தமிழகக் கிராமங்களின் காட்சி