Charles D. Newton

Charles Damon Newton (* 25. Mai 1861 in Birdsall, New York; † 30. Oktober 1930 in Geneseo, New York) war ein US-amerikanischer Jurist und Politiker (Republikanische Partei).
Charles Damon Newton, Sohn von Polly A. Brundage und Daniel Newton, wurde während des Bürgerkrieges im Allegany County geboren, welcher seine Kindheit überschattete. Über seine Jugendjahre ist nichts bekannt. Irgendwann studierte er Jura und erhielt seine Zulassung als Anwalt. Am 10. August 1887 heiratete er Nellie E. Durfee. Er saß von 1915 bis 1918 für den 43. Bezirk im Senat von New York (138 bis 141. New York State Legislature). Bei den Wahlen im Jahr 1918 wurde er zum Attorney General von New York gewählt und 1920 wiedergewählt. Er bekleidete den Posten von 1919 bis 1922. Ferner gehörte er der Presbyterianischen Kirchen an und war Freimaurer, Mitglied der Tempelritter, der Shriners und der Odd Fellows.
- Newton, Charles Damon bei The Political Graveyard (englisch)
Personendaten | |
NAME | Newton, Charles D. |
ALTERNATIVNAMEN | Newton, Charles Damon (vollständiger Name) |
KURZBESCHREIBUNG | US-amerikanischer Jurist und Politiker |
GEBURTSDATUM | 25. Mai 1861 |
GEBURTSORT | Birdsall, New York |
STERBEDATUM | 30. Oktober 1930 |
STERBEORT | Geneseo, New York |
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Seal of the Attorney General of New York.
Autor/Urheber: National Civic Federation, Lizenz: No restrictions
Identifier: nationalcivicfed15nati (find matches)
Title: The National Civic Federation review
Year: 1905 (1900s)
Authors: National Civic Federation
Subjects: Labor and laboring classes
Publisher: New York : (The Federation)
Contributing Library: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
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zky and Lenine, the ulti-mate purpose of which is to precipitate inAmerica a revolution such as has made ofRussia a bloody shambles, has been definitelyand conclusively proven by evidence producedduring the investigations of the New YorkState Legislative Committee, of which SenatorClayton R. Lusk is chairman, into seditious and disloyal activities in the State of New York. So alarming have been the revelations al-ready made of the nature and extent of in-flammatory agitation seeking to promote massrevolution for the overthrow of the governmentand the destruction of all existing order, thatthe Hon. Alfred E. Smith, Governor of NewYork, has called a special term of the SupremeCourt to begin August 11, for the purpose ofinvestigating criminal anarchy and all othercriminal activities directed against organizedgovernment in the state and nation. Arousedby the widespread activities of Bolshevist agents,a number of states in the Middle West havenotified Senator Lusk of their intention of be-
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fppriffht IntemeHUmal PHhn LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE INVESTIGATING BOLSHEVISMStanding, left to right: Assemblyman W. W. Pellett, Assemblyman Frederick S. Burr, Attorney General Charles D. Newton and Assemblyman Peter P. MrElligott.Seated, left to right: Senator J. J. Boylan, Senator J. H. Walters, Senator Clayton R. Lusk, chairman; Senator D. Carroll and Assemblyman Louis M. Martin. 2 The National Civic Federation Review July 30, 191 ginning investigations, asking that any informa-tion developed in the New York inquiry whichbears on their states be afforded. Already theState authorities of Ohio and Illinois have sentrepresentatives to New York to confer with theLusk Committee, with this purpose. New York City, as it was the center and hot-bed of German propaganda, has been likewisethe center and hotbed of the propaganda of thereds. When the proposal was made thatthe New York Legislature appoint a specialcommittee to undertake an inquiry into sedi-tions and disloyal propaganda and intrigue
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