Celler Garnison-Museum
Das Celler Garnison-Museum ist ein Militärmuseum in Celle, Niedersachsen.
Träger des Museums ist der 1981 gegründete Verein Celler Garnison-Museum e.V., der 1986 das Museum in der ehemaligen Cambridge-Dragoner-Kaserne eröffnete. 1998 zog das Museum in sein heutiges Domizil, dem ehemaligen Verwaltungsgebäude des städtischen Schlachthofs.
Ziel des Museums ist die Darstellung der Militärgeschichte von 1866 bis zur Gegenwart in Verbindung mit der Stadtgeschichte Celles. Die Zeit vor 1866 wird im Bomann-Museum gezeigt. Grund ist die Annexion des Königreichs Hannover durch Preußen in diesem Jahr, so dass die Militärgeschichte getrennt behandelt wird. Darüber hinaus arbeiten die beiden Museen jedoch eng zusammen.
Sammlungen und Themenbereiche

Foto: www.euro-t-guide.com, 2009

Foto: www.euro-t-guide.com, 2009
- X. Armee-Korps (Deutsches Kaiserreich)
- 2. Hannoversches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 77
- Erster Weltkrieg
- Reichswehr
- Zweiter Weltkrieg
- Britische Streitkräfte in Deutschland
- Bundeswehr
- Nebeltruppe in Celle (Heeresgasschutzschule)
- Militärpersonen in Celle
- Orden und Ehrenzeichen
- Nachrichtentechnik
- Uniformen
- Waffen
Erster Weltkrieg.
Foto: www.euro-t-guide.com, 2009Zweiter Weltkrieg.
Foto: www.euro-t-guide.com, 2009Britische Uniformen.
Foto: www.euro-t-guide.com, 2009
- Museumsverbund im Landkreis Celle e.V.: Museen und Gedenkstätten im Landkreis Celle, Celle, 2008
- R.W.L.E. Möller: Celle-Lexikon, Celle, 1987
- Celler Garnison-Museum e.V., Celler Garnisonmuseum, Werbebroschüre, Celle, 1999
Koordinaten: 52° 37′ 36,6″ N, 10° 4′ 36,3″ O
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
Autor/Urheber: euro-t-guide.com European Tourist Guide (ETG, a website 2004-2012), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Military communication equipment, telephones, helmet, etc. on display in the Celler Garnison-Museum, a small military museum opened in 1986 in Celle, Germany.
Photo: euro-t-guide.com - March 2009; European Tourist Guide's online presentation of the museum: Celler Garrison Museum (...) has a large collection of German uniforms from approx. 1850 until today. The main focus of the collection is World War II, where the museum has a lot of uniforms - and all of them with their own story. The museum also includes a collection of weapons and a collection of military communication equipment. Feel free to use the pictures if you want to, but please remember to refer to "euro-t-guide.com" as the photographer. No known copyright restrictions.
Autor/Urheber: euro-t-guide.com European Tourist Guide (ETG, a website 2004-2012), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
German World War I uniforms, Waffenrock, Schirmmütze, Stahlhelm, MG08 WWI machine gun, etc. on display in the Celler Garnison-Museum, a small military museum opened in 1986 in Celle, Germany.
Photo: euro-t-guide.com - March 2009; European Tourist Guide's online presentation of the museum: Celler Garrison Museum (...) has a large collection of German uniforms from approx. 1850 until today. The main focus of the collection is World War II, where the museum has a lot of uniforms - and all of them with their own story. The museum also includes a collection of weapons and a collection of military communication equipment. Feel free to use the pictures if you want to, but please remember to refer to "euro-t-guide.com" as the photographer. No known copyright restrictions.
Autor/Urheber: euro-t-guide.com European Tourist Guide (ETG, a website 2004-2012), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Military uniforms, riding outfit, German army (Wehrmacht Heer) general, officer, German Red Cross nurse, Kriegsmarine officer, etc. on display in the Celler Garnison-Museum, a small military museum opened in 1986 in Celle, Germany.
Photo: euro-t-guide.com - March 2009; European Tourist Guide's online presentation of the museum: Celler Garrison Museum (...) has a large collection of German uniforms from approx. 1850 until today. The main focus of the collection is World War II, where the museum has a lot of uniforms - and all of them with their own story. The museum also includes a collection of weapons and a collection of military communication equipment. Feel free to use the pictures if you want to, but please remember to refer to "euro-t-guide.com" as the photographer. No known copyright restrictions.
Autor/Urheber: euro-t-guide.com European Tourist Guide (ETG, a website 2004-2012), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
German Bundeswehr uniforms, General, Achselschnur, Galla, etc. on display in the Celler Garnison-Museum, a small military museum opened in 1986 in Celle, Germany.
Photo: euro-t-guide.com - March 2009; European Tourist Guide's online presentation of the museum: Celler Garrison Museum (...) has a large collection of German uniforms from approx. 1850 until today. The main focus of the collection is World War II, where the museum has a lot of uniforms - and all of them with their own story. The museum also includes a collection of weapons and a collection of military communication equipment. Feel free to use the pictures if you want to, but please remember to refer to "euro-t-guide.com" as the photographer. No known copyright restrictions.
Autor/Urheber: Muellermuh, Lizenz: CC0
Reklameschild des Garnison-Museums in Celle, Niedersachsen, Deutschland
Autor/Urheber: euro-t-guide.com European Tourist Guide (ETG, a website 2004-2012), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
British military uniforms, berets, camouflage dress, etc. on display in the Celler Garnison-Museum, a small military museum opened in 1986 in Celle, Germany.
Photo: euro-t-guide.com - March 2009; European Tourist Guide's online presentation of the museum: Celler Garrison Museum (...) has a large collection of German uniforms from approx. 1850 until today. The main focus of the collection is World War II, where the museum has a lot of uniforms - and all of them with their own story. The museum also includes a collection of weapons and a collection of military communication equipment. Feel free to use the pictures if you want to, but please remember to refer to "euro-t-guide.com" as the photographer. No known copyright restrictions.
Autor/Urheber: euro-t-guide.com European Tourist Guide (ETG, a website 2004-2012), Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
German 19th-century and pre-WW1 military uniforms, photos, etc. on display in the Celler Garnison-Museum, a small military museum opened in 1986 in Celle, Germany.
Photo: euro-t-guide.com - March 2009; European Tourist Guide's online presentation of the museum: Celler Garrison Museum (...) has a large collection of German uniforms from approx. 1850 until today. The main focus of the collection is World War II, where the museum has a lot of uniforms - and all of them with their own story. The museum also includes a collection of weapons and a collection of military communication equipment. Feel free to use the pictures if you want to, but please remember to refer to "euro-t-guide.com" as the photographer. No known copyright restrictions.