Carlisle Trost

Admiral Carlisle Trost (1990)

Carlisle Albert Herman Trost (* 24. April 1930 in Valmeyer, Illinois; † 29. September 2020 in Maryland[1]) war von 1953 bis 1990 ein Offizier der United States Navy. Im Jahr 1953 absolvierte er die Offiziersschule der Marine (United States Naval Academy). Nach verschiedenen Verwendungen als U-Boot-Kommandant war er von 1980 bis 1981 Commander, Seventh Fleet und von 1985 bis 1986 Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Vom 1. Juli 1986 bis 29. Juni 1990 war er 23. Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) und somit Mitglied im Joint Chiefs of Staff (Verein[ig]ter Generalstab).


Auswahl der Dekorationen, sortiert in Anlehnung der Order of Precedence of the Military Awards:


  • Navy Department Library - Naval Biographies: Admiral Carlisle A. H. Trost, U.S. Navy (Stand: 11. August 2008, englisch)


  1. Adm. Carlisle A. H. Trost, 23rd Chief of Naval Operations, Passes Away

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Us legion of merit legionnaire rib.png
Legion of Merit Legionnare ribbon
JPN Kyokujitsu-sho 1Class BAR.svg
Interimspange des Ordens der Aufgehenden Sonne (japanischer Verdienstorden), 1. Klasse, „Großer Orden am Band“ (Großkreuz)
Flag of the United States Chief of Naval Operations.svg

Flag of the United States Chief of Naval Operations. The position was created in 1915, but the flag just dates from 1964. It is defined in naval regulations, document NTP 13(B) [1] section 1810, as:

The personal flag of the Chief of Naval Operations consists of a blue and white rectangular background divided diagonally from lower hoist to upper fly, blue above and white below. In the center of the flag appears an adaption of the center of the official seal of the Chief of Naval Operations, consisting of an eagle clutching an anchor, all in proper colors, encircled by fifty links of gold chain. Directly above, below and to each side of the circular center design is a 5-point star with one point upward. On the blue field the two stars are white and on the white field the two stars are blue. A gold fringe is authorized for use with the flag when it is displayed in a static indoor position. The cord and tassels are of golden yellow.
For more information, see SeaFlags.
Us legion of merit rib.png
Legion of Merit Legionnare ribbon