British Empire Games 1934/Boxen

Die 2. Boxwettkämpfe der Herren bei den British Empire Games wurden vom 4. August bis zum 11. August 1934 in der englischen Hauptstadt London ausgetragen. Es wurden insgesamt 24 Medaillen in acht Gewichtsklassen vergeben.


Fliegengewicht (– 50,8 kg)Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Patrick Palmer
Kanada 1921 Maxie Berger
Wales 1807 Jackie Pottinger
Bantamgewicht (– 53,5 kg)Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Freddy Ryan
Wales 1807 Albert Barnes
Schottland Thomas Wells
Federgewicht (– 57,2 kg)Sudafrika 1928 Charles Catterall
Wales 1807 J. D. Jones
Rhodesien William Fulton
Leichtgewicht (– 61,2 kg)AustralienAustralien Leslie Cook
Wales 1807 Frank Taylor
Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Harry Moy
Weltergewicht (– 66,7 kg)Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Dave McCleave
Sudafrika 1928 Dick Barton
Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich William Duncan
Mittelgewicht (– 72,6 kg)Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Alf Shawyer
Kanada 1921 Leonard Wadsworth
Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Jimmy Magill
Halbschwergewicht (– 79,4 kg)Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich George Brennan
Schottland George Holton
Sudafrika 1928 Robey Leibbrandt
Schwergewicht (+ 79,4 kg)Vereinigtes KonigreichVereinigtes Königreich Pat Floyd
Sudafrika 1928 Jan van Rensburg
Schottland David Douglas-Hamilton


 Rang LandGoldSilberBronzeGesamt
1England England6017
2Sudafrika 1928 Südafrikanische Union1214
3Australien Australien1001
4Wales 1807 Wales0314
5Kanada 1921 Kanada0202
6Schottland Schottland0123
7Nordirland Nordirland0022
8Rhodesien Südrhodesien0011

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Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Proportion 3:5, ausschließlich an Land verwendet. Auf See beträgt das richtige Verhältnis 1:2.
Canadian Red Ensign (1921-1957).svg
The Canadian Red Ensign used between 1921 and 1957.

This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen. The only change is making the maple leaves green from red. This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen. The most recent version of this image has changed the harp into one with a female figure; see [ FOTW
Flag of Canada (1921–1957).svg
The Canadian Red Ensign used between 1921 and 1957.

This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen. The only change is making the maple leaves green from red. This image has compared for accuracy (mainly colors) using an image from World Statesmen. The most recent version of this image has changed the harp into one with a female figure; see [ FOTW
Flag of South Africa (1928-1994).svg
Flag of South Africa, used between 1928 and 1982. It is identical to the 1982 to 1994 version except that the shade of blue is darker. It is also known as the "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".
Flag of South Africa (1928–1994).svg
Flag of South Africa, used between 1928 and 1982. It is identical to the 1982 to 1994 version except that the shade of blue is darker. It is also known as the "Oranje-Blanje-Blou".
Flag of Rhodesia (1968–1979).svg
Flag of Rhodesia (11 November 1968 – 31 May 1979) and of Zimbabwe Rhodesia (1 June 1979 – 1 September 1979).
Flag of Australia (converted).svg

Flag of Australia, when congruence with this colour chart is required (i.e. when a "less bright" version is needed).

See Flag of Australia.svg for main file information.
Flag of Northern Ireland.svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of Northern Ireland (1953–1972).svg
Ulster Banner is a heraldic banner taken from the former coat of arms of Northern Ireland. It was used by the Northern Ireland government in 1953-1973 with Edwardian crown since coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, based earlier design with Tudor Crown from 1924. Otherwise known as the Ulster Flag, Red Hand of Ulster Flag, Red Hand Flag.
Flag of Wales (1807–1953).svg
Autor/Urheber: NikNaks, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Flag of Wales, 1807-1953