Bistum Brügge

Bistum Brügge
Karte Bistum Brügge
MetropolitanbistumErzbistum Mecheln-Brüssel
DiözesanbischofLodewijk Aerts
Emeritierter DiözesanbischofRoger Joseph Vangheluwe
Fläche3145 km²
Pfarreien354 (2015 / AP 2017)
Einwohner1.181.000 (2015 / AP 2017)
Katholiken855.000 (2015 / AP 2017)
Anteil72,4 %
Diözesanpriester449 (2015 / AP 2017)
Ordenspriester205 (2015 / AP 2017)
Katholiken je Priester1307
Ständige Diakone92 (2015 / AP 2017)
Ordensbrüder283 (2015 / AP 2017)
Ordensschwestern1471 (2015 / AP 2017)
KathedraleKathedrale St. Salvator
Heilige-Geeststraat 4
B-8000 Brugge
WebsiteHomepage des Bistums Brügge

Das Bistum Brügge (lateinisch Dioecesis Brugensis, niederländisch Bisdom Brugge) ist ein römisch-katholisches Bistum mit Sitz in der belgischen Stadt Brügge. Es besteht seit etwa 450 Jahren und umfasst heute im Wesentlichen die belgische Provinz Westflandern.


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Commons: Roman Catholic Diocese of Brugge – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
Kapittel und Mgr Aerts
Brügge, Sint-Salvatorskathedraal

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Autor/Urheber: Carolus, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 4.0
Procession of the Precious Blood, Bruges AD 2019: Bishop Lode Aerts and Chapter of Bruges; Pierre Breyne; Patrick Degrieck; Stefaan Franco; Philippe Hallein; Henk Laridon; Lieven Soetaert; Marc Steen; Piet Vandevoorde.
Saint-Salvator Cathedral.jpg
Autor/Urheber: Wolfgang Staudt, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0

The Saint-Salvator Cathedral is the cathedral of Bruges in Belgium.

The city of Bruges is well-preserved and charms its visitors with its medieval character. Of course, only few buildings have survived the onslaught of the ages without damage. Often in the course of history the buildings have undergone changes and renovations. One example is the main church of the city, the Sint-Salvator Cathedral. This church was not originally built to be a cathedral, it obtained that status only in the 19th century. Originally the Sint-Salvator was just a common parish church, founded in the 10th century. At that time the Sint-Donatius Church, which is located at the very heart of Bruges, located opposite of the town hall, was the most important religious building of the city. At the end of the 18th century the French inhabitants of Bruges threw out the bishop of Bruges and destroyed the Sint-Donatius Church, which was his residence.

In 1834, shortly after Belgium's independence in 1830, a new bishop was installed in Bruges and the Sint-Salvator church obtained the status of cathedral. However, the building didn't really look like a cathedral. It was a lot smaller and less imposing than the nearby Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk and had to be adapted to its new role. For instance, a higher and more impressive tower was needed.

The oldest surviving part formed the base of the mighty tower. It is dated from the end of the 12th century. In 1839 a fire destroyed the roof of the cathedral. William Chantrell, an English architect, famous for his neo-Gothic restorations of English churches, was asked to restore to Sint-Salvator its former glory. At the same time he was authorized to make a project for a higher tower, in order to make it taller than that of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk. Instead of adding a neo-Gothic part to the tower, Chantrell chose a very personal Romanesque design. After completion there was a lot of criticism and the royal commission for monuments (Koninklijke Commissie voor Monumenten), without authorization by Chantrell, had placed a small peak on top of the tower, because the original design was deemed too flat.

From <a href=""> Wikipedia</a>, the free encyclopedia

The Saint-Salvator Cathedral currently houses many works of art that were originally stored in its destroyed predecessor, the Sint-Donatius Cathedral. The wall-carpets that can be seen when entering the church were manufactured in Brussels by Jasper van der Borcht in 1731. These were commissioned by bishop Hendrik van Susteren for Sint-Donatius. Sint-Salvator also has the original paintings that served as models for the wall-carpets, which make quite a unique combination. In the choir the original 16th century podium can still be admired.
Belgium provinces blank.png
Autor/Urheber: Die Autorenschaft wurde nicht in einer maschinell lesbaren Form angegeben. Es wird Golbez als Autor angenommen (basierend auf den Rechteinhaber-Angaben)., Lizenz: CC BY 2.5

Blank map of the provinces of Belgium, useful for labelling/numbering in other languages.

Made by User:Golbez.
Map of Diocese of Bruges