Bildtafel der Verkehrszeichen in Slowenien
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Die Bildtafel der Verkehrszeichen in Slowenien zeigt eine Auswahl wichtiger Verkehrszeichen in Slowenien. Die Verkehrszeichen wurden entsprechend dem Wiener Übereinkommen über Straßenverkehrszeichen gestaltet. Aus Gründen der Verständlichkeit bestehen die Verkehrszeichen überwiegend aus allgemein bekannten Piktogrammen, nur in wenigen Fällen werden Begriffe in slowenischer Sprache verwendet.
Wegweisung und Orientierungszeichen
- Verordnungen über die Verkehrszeichen in der Straßenverkehrsordnung Sloweniens (slowenisch; PDF)
Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien
- File:Human-preferences-desktop.svg: Pander / *abgeleitetes Werk Ju gatsu mikka
Lane movement regulation.
Railway crossing ahead without gates or barriers.
Caravan grounds.
Falling rocks on left side of the road.
Hazard marker.
Traffic lane management.
Road closed to motor vehicles towing a trailer, except for a semi-trailer or light residential trailer.
Bus lane.
Hazard marker.
Toll lane reserved for ABC collection system or cash fares.
Direction signpost.
Emergency bay.
School zone.
Priority route diagram.
Curve marker.
Road closed to trucks.
Detour sign.
Curve marker.
Equestrian path.
End of village.
Traffic cone.
Caravan waste station.
U-turn prohibited.
Wild animals on the road.
Turn left ahead.
Expressway number.
Direction table.
Radio information.
Traffic lane management.
Mandatory direction for vehicle class.
Primary road number.
Turn right ahead.
Police station.
Park & Ride facilities.
Hazard marker.
Two-way traffic.
Road closed to pedestrians.
Tow-away zone.
Traffic lane management.
Priority route diagram.
End bus lane.
No stopping or parking.
Road closed to motor vehicles exceeding the maximum permissible length.
Motorway number.
Curve marker.
Road closed to all traffic in both directions.
No overtaking by trucks.
Road closed to motorcycles.
Road closed to motor vehicles towing a trailer, except for a semi-trailer.
Roundabout ahead.
Services signboard.
Right turn prohibited.
Rutted road.
Slippery roadway.
Slow vehicle lane.
Traffic lane management.
Crosswind from the right.
Pedestrian zone.
One-way street.
Customs (passing without stopping first prohibited).
Parking or stopping prohibited in the direction of the additional plate. Ued with the No Parking and No Stopping signs.
Road narrows on the right side.
Above sign effective ahead in the direction and distance shown.
End maximum speed limit.
End motorway.
Road distance marker.
Give way to oncomming traffic.
Priority road.
Alternative day parking - even numbered days.
St. Andrew's Cross.
Motorway confirmation sign.
Traffic lane management.
Traffic lane management.
Road closed to motor vehicles towing a trailer.
Turn right.
Refreshment bar.
Road narrows.
Curve marker.
Roundabout mandatory.
Traffic calmed area.
Crossing with minor road on right, at an angle.
Street name sign.
Additional explanation plate.
Bus stop.
Motorway exit sign.
Electronic signboard.
Motorway interchange sign.
Trafic queues likely ahead.
End advisory speed.
End segregated path for pedestrians and bicycles.
Dangerous descent.
Traffic lane management.
Road closed to motor vehicles exceeding the maximum width in metres.
How to park your vehicle.
Double bend or more consecutive turns, first to the left.
Traffic lane management.
Traffic lane management.
Snow removal.
Bike path.
Direction signpost.
Limited access road.
Direction signpost.
Direction table.
Parking or stopping prohibited in the direction of the additional plate. Used with the No Parking and No Stopping signs.
St. Andrew's Cross.
Select toll collection lanes.
Curve marker.
Road distance marker.
Crossing with minor road on left.
Unprotected riverbank or quay.
Left turn prohibited.
Speed limit during reduced visibility.
Mandatory direction for vehicle class.
Traffic lanes segregated by vehicle class.
St. Andrew's Cross.
Above sign effective after the distance shown.
Minimum speed limit.
Emergency escape.
End shared path for pedestrians and bicycles.
Priority over oncoming traffic.
Direction table.
Road closed in this direction.
Viaduct sign.
Road distance marker.
Proceed straight or turn left.
Road narrows on the left side.
End of village.
Hazard marker.
Emergency escape.
Disabled parking.
Bend to the left.
End overtaking restriction.
Toll lane reserved for ABC collection system.
No sounding your horn.
General Speed Limits sign used at border crossings into Slovenia.
Above sign effective ahead during the times shown.
Segregated path for pedestrians and bicycles.
Parking or stopping prohibited in the direction of the additional plate. Used with the No Parking and No Stopping signs.
Bus lane.
Crossing with minor road.
Give way to major road.
Road closed to trucks over the shown maximum permissible weight in metric tonnes.
Other danger.
Road closed to all motor vehicles, except mopeds and motorcylces.
Above sign valid during rainy weather.
Above sign effective ahead in the direction and distance shown.
Traffic signals ahead.
Traffic accident.
Metered parking.
How to park your vehicle.
Hazard marker.
Mountain cottage.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Road closed to motor vehicles exceeding the maximum height in metres.
Road closed to trolleys and carts.
Traffic lane management.
St. Andrew's Cross.
River sign.
Toll lane reserved buses and trucks.
Crosswind from the left.
How to park your vehicle.
Domestic animals on the road.
Traffic island marker.
End overtaking restriction for trucks.
End horn restriction.
Services signboard.
End speed limit zone.
Direction table.
End equestrian path.
Children in the road.
E Route number.
Traffic lane management.
Emergency escape.
Services signboard.
Taxi stop.
Additional explanation plate.
Drinking water.
Direction signpost.
Road closed to vehicles carrying explosives or inflammable substances.
How to park your vehicle.
Water protection zone.
Emergency station.
Electronic signboard.
End snow chains requirement.
Falling rocks on right side of the road.
Electronic signboard.
Alternative day parking - odd numbered days.
Parking or stopping prohibited in the direction of the additional plate. Used with the No Parking and No Stopping signs.
Road closed to tractors.
Traffic lane management.
Petrol station.
First aid post.
Številka serpentine.
Two-way bike path.
Manual traffic control.
End slow vehicle lane.
One-way street.
Proceed straight.
Maintain passage.
End no parking zone.
Uneven roadway.
Proceed straight or turn left.
Road closed to vehicles carrying dangerous goods.
Direction signpost.
Road closed to bicycles.
Traffic calmed area.
Uneven roadway.
End bike path.
Uneven roadway.
Road closed to buses.
Railway crossing ahead with gates or barriers.
Curve marker.
Turn left.
School zone.
Traffic lane management.
Speed radar.
Pedestrian path.
Traffic lane management.
Car wash.
Tunnel entrance sign.
Fire service.
Direction table.
Snow chains mandatory.
Stop sign ahead after the distance shown.
End limited access road.
Hotel or motel.
Minimum safe driving distance between vehicles.
Underground or elevated pedestrian crossing.
Merge using the zipper rule.
Road marking painting.
End minimum speed limit.
Direction table.
Crossing with minor road on right.
Tram stop.
Segregated path for pedestrians and bicycles.
Pedestrian crossing.
Traffic lane management.
Extreme risk of fire.
Loose road surface.
Road closed to motor vehicles exceeding the maximum permissible weight per axle.
One-way street.
No parking zone.
Dead end road.
Road distance marker.
Proceed straight or turn left.
Left turn prohibited ahead, follow alternative route.
Road closed to animal-drawn vehicles.
Dangerous ascent.
Camping and caravan grounds.
Hazard marker.
Advance sign for toll.
End segregated path for pedestrians and bicycles.
Bend to the right.
Emergency escape.
Toll (passing without stopping first prohibited).
Hazard marker.
Road closed for all motor vehicles.
Park & Ride facilities.
How to park your vehicle.
No parking.
Cyclist crossing.
Harbour / Port.
How to park your vehicle.
Picnic area.
Keep left.
Above sign valid during winter weather.
Road distance marker.
Direction table.
Additional explanation plate.
Cyclists on the road.
Roadworks signage.
Advance sign for toll.
Parking or stopping prohibited in the direction of the additional plate. Used with the No Parking and No Stopping signs.
Parking or stopping prohibited in the direction of the additional plate. Ued with the No Parking and No Stopping signs.
Road closed to motor vehicles exceeding the maximum weight in metric tonnes.
Maximum speed limit.
Traffic island marker.
Bike route number.
Low-flying aircraft nearby.
School patrol.
Road closed for all motor vehicles and animal-drawn vehicles.
Advisory speed.
Double bend or more consecutive turns, first to the right.
Keep right.
Services signboard.
Road closed to mopeds.
End priority road.
Traffic lane management.
Roadworks signage.
Frogs on the road.
Bike route.
Parking garage.
Above sign effective for the duration of the distance shown.
Motorway exit sign.
Children near or in the road.
End pedestrian zone.
Direction table.
Hazard marker.
Speed limit zone.
Traffic lane management.
End pedestrian path.
Hazard marker.
No overtaking.
Police (passing without stopping first prohibited).
Soft road shoulder.
Road closed to tanker trucks carrying dangerous water pollutants.
Traffic lane management.
Traffic lane management.
Shared path for pedestrians and bicycles.
Crossing with minor road on left, at an angle.
Road closure and tyre requirement information board.
End all restrictions.