Barrio de San Pedro (Becerril del Carpio)
Barrio de San Pedro ist ein Weiler, der zum spanischen Ort Becerril del Carpio gehört. Er befindet sich in der Provinz Palencia der Autonomen Gemeinschaft Kastilien und León. Becerril del Carpio gehört zur Gemeinde Alar del Rey und befindet sich drei Kilometer nördlich vom Hauptort der Gemeinde.
- Romanische Kirche San Pedro, erbaut im 12. Jahrhundert
- Gotische Gerichtssäule (rollo jurisdiccional)
- César del Valle Barreda: Antigua Merindad de Aguilar de Campoo. Fundación Santa María la Real, Aguilar de Campoo 2009, ISBN 978-84-89483-55-2, S. 24–25.
Koordinaten: 42° 43′ N, 4° 18′ W
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Autor/Urheber: trukdotcom, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Barrio de San Pedro de la localidad de Becerril del Carpio, en el municipio de Alar del Rey, Palencia, Castilla y León, España
Autor/Urheber: Valdavia, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Church of Saint Peter in Barrio de San Pedro, Becerril del Carpio (Palencia, Castile and León). Height highlights a bulrush on the gable, in which a visible inscription under windows read "ERA MCCC FIZO" (1262), illustrative example of the persistence of Romanesque forms until well entry half of the 13th century. This bulrush has three levels: the lower blanket the primitive cover which gave way to the Church from the gable - the second level has two 10AD embrasures and imposta nacelada and the third with auction to sprocket, is drilled by a single tronera with 10AD, reduced imposta. Topped with a magnificent Fleurdelisé cross inscribed within a circle with bayonets stone. On both sides of the Bulrush four canecillos carry vegetable motifs with a single sheet that is rolled up at the top. Canecillos appearing on the main façade tardorrománico umbrella-shaped of birth it and ship with auction cilindrico bow. Any include small decorations marked difficult to interpret.