Autostrada A53

Vorlage:Infobox hochrangige Straße/Wartung/IT-A
Autostrada 53 in Italien
Raccordo autostradale Bereguardo – Pavia

(Autobahnzubringer Bereguardo – Pavia)

Autostrada A53
  • Milano Serravalle-Milano Tangenziali
Straßenbeginn:Torre d'Isola
(45° 14′ 54″ N, 9° 2′ 50″ O)
(45° 11′ 40″ N, 9° 7′ 59″ O)
Gesamtlänge:9,1 km



Ausbauzustand:2 × 2 Fahrstreifen
Region Lombardei
Vorlage:AB/Wartung/Leer4-streifiger Ausbau
(0,0) Milano – Genova A7 E62
(0,0) Mautstelle „Bereguardo
(0,5) MA Route 1.svg Bereguardo
(1,9) MA Route 2.svg Cascina Carpana
(2,6) MA Route 3.svg Casottole
(3,9) MA Route 4.svg Torre d'Isola
(4,8) MA Route 5.svg Villaggio dei Pioppi
(6,6) MA Route 6.svg Massaua
(8,3) MA Route 7.svg Pavia via Riviera – ospedali
(9,1) Westtangente Pavia A54
  • In Bau
  • In Planung
  • Die Autostrada A53 (italienisch für ‚Autobahn A53‘) (oder auch als RA 7 nummeriert[1]), auch Raccordo Autostradale di Pavia (Autobahnzubringer von Pavia) genannt, stellt die Verbindung Pavias mit der A7 MailandGenua dar und ist 9 km lang. Sie wird von der italienischen Milano Serravalle - Milano Tangenziali S.p.A. verwaltet und betrieben und ist in ihrem gesamten Verlauf nicht mautpflichtig. Sie besitzt zwei Fahrspuren für jede Richtung, allerdings fehlen Standstreifen. Eröffnet wurde sie am 10. September 1960.

    Im Dekret des Präsidenten des Ministerrates vom 21. September 2001 (Amtsblatt Nr. 226 vom 28. September 2001)[2] erhielt die A53 die Nummerierung RA07.

    Für den Zeitraum 2012–2014[veraltet] sind eine Reihe von Maßnahmen geplant, um die Autobahn mit einem geplanten Investitionsvolumen von 20,8 Millionen zu modernisieren.[3]



    2. Il decreto con gli allegati regione per regione
    3. Dal sito del gestore (Memento des Originals vom 14. Juni 2009 im Internet Archive)  Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/

    Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

    Italian traffic signs - inizio autostrada.svg
    Segnale di inizio autostrada (figura II 345 dell'articolo 135 del Regolamento di attuazione del Codice della Strada).
    Dimensioni: larghezza 170 cm, altezza 300 cm.
    Autostrada A53 Italia.svg
    Icon of autostrada A53, Italy.
    MA Route 7.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 2.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Italian traffic signs - strada europea 62.svg
    Icon of european road 62, Italy.
    MA Route 6.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 1.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Autostrada A7 Italia.svg
    Icon of autostrada A7 "Autostrada Alpe Ligure", Italy.
    MA Route 3.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    MA Route 5.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.
    Zeichen 391 - Mautpflichtige Strecke, StVO 2003.svg
    Zeichen 391 – Mautpflichtige Strecke, StVO 2003. Farblich korrekte Umsetzung der Originalvorlage mit dem digitalen RAL-Farbton „Verkehrsrot“. Im Verkehrsblatt, Heft 24, 1976, Seite 786, wird das Zeichen „Zollstelle“, aus dem Zeichen 391 abgeleitet wurde, in seinen Details abgebildet. Die Gesamtgröße beträgt in der Regel 600 x 600 mm, in Ausnahmefälle ist eine andere Größe möglich. Die Lichtkantenbreite beträgt 10 mm, der rote Rahmen ist 24 mm breit. Die Versalhöhe beträgt bei Zeichen 391 insgesamt 100 mm. Der Ausrundungshalbmesser am linken und rechten Ende des schwarzen Balkens beträgt 50 mm.
    Autostrada A54 Italia.svg
    Icon of autostrada A54 "Tangenziale di Pavia", Italy.
    Flag of Lombardy.svg
    Flag of Italian region Lombardy.
    Mappa autostrada A53.svg
    Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
    Mappa dell'autostrada A53 (Raccordo Bereguardo-Pavia).
    MA Route 4.svg
    600 mm by 600 mm (24 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect square, but all signs I have seen round the corners.