Aurealis Award/Science Fiction

Der Aurealis Award für Science Fiction wird seit der ersten Verleihung der Aurealis Awards jedes Jahr in den Unterkategorien Short Story und Novel an australische Autoren vergeben. Jedes Jahr entscheidet eine Jury aus Freiwilligen über die Vergabe.

Aufgeführt sind die Finalisten der jeweiligen Jahre und Unterkategorien. Der Gewinner steht jeweils an erster Stelle.




  • Greg Egan: Distress
  • Sean McMullen: Mirrorsun Rising
  • Kate Orman: Set Piece
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: The Unknown Soldier

Short Story

  • Greg Egan: Luminous
  • Stephan Dedman: From Whom All Blessings Flow
  • Sean Williams: Map of the Mines of Barnath
  • Greg Egan: Mister Volition
  • Greg Egan: Wang's Carpets


Martin Livings - Graham South - Jonathan Strahan



  • Sean Williams: Metal Fatigue
  • Tess Williams: Map of Power
  • Simon Brown: Privateer

Short Story

  • Leann Frahm: Borderline
  • Geoffrey Maloney: The Embargo Traders
  • Terry Dowling: His Own, The Star Alphecca
  • Terry Dowling: The Ichneumon and the Dormeuse
  • Simon Brown: The Mark of Thetis


Van Ikin - Alan Stewart - Michael J. Tolley



Short Story

  • Janeen Webb, Jack Dann: Niagara Falling
  • Russell Blackford: Lucent Carbon
  • Lucy Sussex: Merlusine
  • Greg Egan: Reasons to be Cheerful
  • Damien Broderick: Schrödinger's Dog


Bill Congreve - Peter McNamara - Jonathan Strahan



  • Sean McMullen: The Centurion's Empire
  • Kate Orman: The New Adventures: Walking to Babylon
  • John Marsden: The Night Is for Hunting
  • Sean Williams: The Resurrected Man
  • Alison Goodmann: Singing the Dogstar Blues

Short Story

  • David J. Lake: The Truth About Weena
  • Michael Pryor: Australian Visions
  • Greg Egan: Oceanic
  • Rosaleen Love: Real Men
  • Stephen Dedman: Transit


Justine Larbalestier - Graham South - Jonathan Strahan




  • Greg Egan: Teranesia
  • Damien Broderick, Rory Barnes: The Book of Revelation
  • Jonathon Blum, Kate Orman: Doctor Who: Unnatural History
  • Andrew Masterton: The Letter Girl
  • Sally Rogers-Davidson: Spare Parts

Short Story

  • Chris Lawson: Written in Blood
  • Kate Orman: The Bicycle Net
  • Chris Lawson: Chinese Rooms
  • Lucy Sussex: The Queen of Erewhon
  • Terry Dowling: The View in Nancy's Window


Van Ikin - Justine Larbalestier - Helen Merrick - Peter Nicholls



  • Sean McMullen: The Miocene Arrow
  • James Bradley: The Deep Field
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: Evergence 2: The Dying Light
  • Tess Williams: Sea as Mirror

Short Story

  • Damien Broderick: Infinite Monkey
  • Stephen Dedman: The Devotee
  • Sean Williams: The Land Itself
  • Adam Browne: Schrödinger's Catamaran
  • Margo Lanagan: White Time


Diane DeBellis - Van Ikin - Paul Voermans



  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: The Dark Imbalance
  • Peter McAllister: Cosmonaut
  • Joel Shepherd: Crossover
  • Sean McMullen: Eyes of the Calculor

Short Story

  • Adam Browne: The Weatherboard Spaceship
  • Lucy Sussex: Absolute Uncertainty
  • Jack Dann: The Diamond Pit
  • Dirk Strasser: The Skerricks of Truth
  • Michael Barry (Schriftsteller): The Trojan Rocks


Diane DeBellis - Marian Foster - Stephen Higgins - Peter McNamara



  • Damien Broderick: Transcension
  • Michelle Marquardt: Blue Silence
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: Echoes of Earth

Short Story

  • Sean McMullen: Walk to the Full Moon
  • Geoffrey Maloney: The Imperfect Instantaneous People Mover
  • Shane M. Brown: Late Returns
  • Shane M. Brown: Lucy Lucy
  • Chris McMahon: Within Twilight


Justin Ackroyd - Russell Farr - Rowena Cory Lindquist



  • Jonathan Blum, Kate Orman: Fallen Gods
  • Kate Orman: Blue Box
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: Orphans of Earth
  • Ian Irvine: Terminator Gene
  • Jay Caselberg: Wyrmhole

Short Story

  • Brendan Duffy: Louder Echo
  • Stephen Dedman: Acquired Tastes
  • Sue Isle: Amy's Stars
  • Martin Livings: Sigmund Freud and the Feral Freeway
  • Kaaron Warren: State of Oblivion


  • Maxine McArthur: Less Than Human
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: Heirs of Earth
  • Marianne de Pierres: Nylon Angel
  • K. A. Bedford: Orbital Burn
  • Jack Dann: The Rebel

Short Story

  • Brendan Duffy: Come to Daddy
  • Barbara Robson: Absolution
  • Geoffrey Maloney: Bush of Ghosts
  • Stephen Dedman: Desiree
  • Cat Sparks: Home by the Sea


  • K. A. Bedford: Eclipse
  • Marianne de Pierres: Crash Deluxe
  • John Birmingham: Designated Targets
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: Geodesica: Ascent

Short Story

  • Trent Jamieson: Slow and Ache
  • Rjurik Davidson: The Interminable Suffering of Mysterious Mr. Wu
  • Lyn Triffitt: The Memory of Breathing
  • Leann Frahm: Skein Dogs
  • Kim Westwood: Terning tha Weel


  • Damien Broderick: K-Machines
  • Sean Williams, Shane Dix: Geodesica: Descent
  • K. A. Bedford: Hydrogen Steel
  • Andrew McGahan: Underground

Short Story

  • Sean Williams: The Seventh Letter
  • David Conyers: Aftermath
  • Lee Buttersby: Dark Ages
  • Stephen Dedman: Down to the Tethys Sea