Apolo Nsibambi

Apolo Nsibambi (2008)

Apolo Nsibambi (* 25. Oktober 1940; † 28. Mai 2019[1]) war ein ugandischer Politiker. Er war von 1999 bis 2011 Premierminister Ugandas.


Bevor er Minister wurde, war er Direktor des Institute of Social Research an der Makerere-Universität. Nsibambi war Informationsminister von 1996 bis 1998, dann von Mai 1998 bis April 1999 Erziehungsminister und seit dem 5. April 1999 Premierminister Ugandas. Am 24. Mai 2011 folgte ihm der bisherige Verteidigungsminister Amama Mbabazi im Amt.[2]


  1. Uganda's ex-prime minister Nsibambi dies abgerufen am 28. Mai 2019
  2. New Vision Online:Mbabazi: Uganda’s tenth Prime Minister (Memento vom 28. Mai 2011 im Internet Archive)

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Apolo Nsibambi.jpg
Autor/Urheber: cdelondon, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
Prof Apolo Nsibambi, Prime Minister of Uganda, addressing the Opening Session of The Fifth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, Commonwealth of Learning, at the University of London, 13-17 July 2008.
Coat of arms of Uganda.svg
Autor/Urheber: Sodacan, Lizenz: CC BY-SA 3.0
Coat of Arms of the of Uganda
An achievement was adopted by the National Council, three weeks before the proclamation of independence. On 1 October 1962 it was approved by the Governor and fixed by law on 9 October. The achievement is:
  • Arms.: Sable, upon the fess point a sun in splendour and in base a Uganda drum Or, the skin and guy ropes Argent, a chief barry wavy of six Azure and Argent. Behind the shield two Uganda spears of estate in saltire proper.
  • Supporters: Dexter a male Uganda kob (Adenota kob thomasi - Bovidæ); sinister, a crested crane (Balearica pavonina gibberifrons - Balearicidæ), both proper.
  • Compartment: A grassy mount down the centre of which flows a river, between dexter a sprig of coffee and in sinister a sprig of cotton, both leaved and fructed proper.