Two Vietnameses pose in front of the billboard

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Valley of A Luoi. Kan Lay, 55 years old, and her son, Ke Van Bec, 14 years old, physically and mentally handicapped, pose in front of the billboard denouncing the operation Ranch hand.

According to the photographer Alexis Duclos, the photo of Kan Lay and her son was produced for a dedicated photo essay on agent orange. The mother and son posed voluntarily for the photo because it was clearly understood that she wanted to show to the world the effects of chemical weapons such as agent orange, particularly on her son. Hence, the usage of the picture on Wikipedia, or any other public media, seems to comply with the woman's intentions when the photograph was taken, and thus most likely does not violate personality rights.

The photographer has provided this additional information:

Vietnam, December 2004, Valley of A Luoi. Not far from the road to Ho Chi Minh, Kan Lay, a 55-year old woman, holds her 14-year old physically and mentally handicapped son, Ke Van Bac, in her arms. During the [Vietnam] war, Kan Lay lived in the region of A Luoi. “I was in the forest, I saw planes throw powder on us, it stung our eyes, burned our skins...” Since that day, her husband and three of her children have died of cancer. To help illustrate the photo, mother and son pose in front of a billboard denouncing operation “Ranch Hand” installed at the former military airport A Sho, in the valley of A Luoi. Photo and the above text provided by Alexis Duclos (
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