Partial Lunar Eclipse 2019-07-16

H. Raab (User:Vesta)
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Composite image of the partial lunar eclipse on July 16, 2019. The image in the center was taken at 21:31 UT, at maximum eclipse, when about 65% of the Moon has immersed into the Earth's dark umbra. The images to the right and the left were taken one hour and nine minutes earlier and later, respectively - exactly the time it took the Moon to travel it's own diameter. The images were then carefully stacked in Photoshop, to represent the Moon's true motion trough the Earth's shadow.

By combining these three images, one get's a good impression of the southern edge of the Earth's umbra, trough which the moon passed during that eclipse.

Around 330 BCE, greek philosopher Aristotle suggested that the Earth must be a sphere, based on the shape of the Earth's shadow he observed during lunar eclipses.

The three seperate shots are 1/60 second exposures, taken with a Canon EOS 550D at ISO 200, using a 90/1000mm refractor telescope.
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