
J. W. Buel
1600 x 1042 Pixel (619816 Bytes)

Mossi horsemen

Source: Public domain- original production 1890

J.W. Buel. 1890. Heroes of the Dark Continent and How Stanley Found Emin Pasha. A complete history of all the great explorations and discoveries in Africa, from the earliest ages to the present time, including a full, authentic and thrilling account of Stanley's famous relief of Emin Pasha, replete with astounding incidents, wonderful adventures, mysterious providences, grand achievements, and glorious deeds, as represented in the devoted lives and splendid careers of such brilliant characters as Henry M. Stanley, Emin Pasha, Gen. (Chinese) Gordon, and all the other great travellers, hunters and explorers, who, for more than one thousand years, have made Africa a land of wonders by their heroism and unparalleled daring. Covering the whole history of African exploration and discovery. Enlivened with stories of marvellous hunts and wonderful adventures among wild animals, ferocious reptiles, and curious and savage races of people who inhabit the dark continent. New Edition. Philadelphia, PA, St. Louis, MO: Historical Publishing Company.
Public domain
English Wikipedia [1]
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