
Henry M. Hyde, photo probably provided by the Illinois Tunnel Company
680 x 537 Pixel (58822 Bytes)
Original captions: Rapid Transit: "FREIGHT TRAIN AT STREET INTERSECTION -- CHICAGO"; The Technical World: "FREIGHT TRAINS AT STREET INTERSECTION." Captions from an almost identical photo identify this as a view looking north through the intersection of State and Randolph streets and identify the man driving the left locomotive as Superintendent George W. Jackson. Two locomotives on the Morgan third-rail rack trackage of the Illinois Tunnel Company. The locomotives were built by the Goodman Equipment Corporation. This is a composite of scans of 4 different copies of 'Rapid Transit in New York', scaled to match and overlayed to mute the moiré patterns in the scan and sharpen the result.
Public domain
Rapid Transit in New York and Other Great Cities, Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, 1905; page 244. This photo appeared earlier in Henry M. Hyde, People or Freight Underground, The Technical World, Vol. 1, No. 5 (July 1904); page 532.
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