Moreau Sucre

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This engraving is from Voltaire's Candide: it depicts the scene where Candide and Cacambo meet a maimed slave of a sugar mill near Surinam. Its caption reads in English, "It is at this price that you eat sugar in Europe"; this line was said by the slave in the text. The "negro" has had his hand cut off for getting a finger stuck in a millstone and his leg removed for trying to run away.
Public domain
This version is from: Bellhouse, Mary L. (2006-12). "Candide Shoots the Monkey Lovers: Representing Black Men in Eighteenth-Century French Visual Culture". Political Theory 34: 758. Sage Publications. DOI 10.1177/0090591706293020. The original is from the Bibliothèque nationale de France in Paris.
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