Moog Lyra (prototype) & minimoog, Cantos

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This is a shot of part of Canto's collection of MOOG synths.

Visited the Cantos Foundation museum of electronic instruments and keyboards in February 2009 and took a lot of photos and videos.

Confession: when I first saw this, I squee-d in absolute and uncontainable glee.

Trackback: MatrixSynth - thanks for the link.

Several prototypes and early custom build systems of Moog synthesizer are stocked and displayed at Cantos Music Foundation, Canada.[1][2] For example:

  • 1CA Chris Swanson Modular System (1965, custom build) — most left on photograph
    Chris Swanson was a composer and early demonstrator of R.A.Moog, Inc.
  • Lyra (1973, prototype) — 2nd row from the left on photograph
  • Apollo (1974, prototype, home unit) — stocked
  • Patrick Moraz Double Minimoog (1973) — 3rd row from the left
  • Micromoog II, Micromoog XL, and Multimoog (1977) — 4th row from the left


  1. Collection checklist. Cantos Music Foundation, Canada. Archived from the original on 2010-08-12. Retrieved on 2013-06-23.
  2. Collection checklist. National Music Centre, Canada. Archived from the original on 2014-06-30. Retrieved on 2013-06-23.

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Moog-Synthesizer sind die elektronischen Musikinstrumente des von Robert Moog gegründeten Unternehmens Moog Music. .. weiterlesen