Karte der Stadt Friedrichsburg

2423 x 1518 Pixel (3837084 Bytes)
This town plan was part of a packet of materials published in 1851 by the Verein zum Schutze Deutscher Auswanderer nach Texas (Society for the Protection of German Emigrants to Texas, also known as the Adelsverein or Society of Nobles headquartered in Mainz and Wiesbaden). The port town and harbor of Indianola and the towns of New Braunfels and Fredericksburg all figured prominently in this project to settle hundreds of German emigrants in Texas during the 1840s and early 1850s. Employees of the Adelsverein who probably prepared these maps included Hermann Willke (ca.1822-after 1865), a young surveyor-engineer and Prussian army veteran and possibly Nicolaus Zink (1812-1887), also a surveyor-engineer and Bavarian army veteran who laid out the colony's town of New Braunfels.
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UTA Libraries Cartographic Connections: Karte / Text
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