Human karyotype with bands and sub-bands

Mikael Häggström, M.D. Author info
- Reusing images
- Conflicts of interest:
Mikael Häggström, M.D.
- The work integrates Public Domain source images by Was A Bee, Kelvin Ma and Michał Komorniczak
- Also, a special acknowledgement to everyone involved in the Human Genome Project for generating the source data.
9684 x 16008 Pixel (12400130 Bytes)
Schematic and relatively language-neutral karyogram of a human. Even at low magnification, it gives an overview of the human genome, with numbered chromosome pairs, its main changes during the cell cycle (top center), and the mitochondrial genome to scale (at bottom left). High magnification (of full size version) more clearly depicts a scale to the left of each chromosome pair that shows the length in terms of million base pairs, and the scale to the right of each chromosome pair shows the designations of the bands and sub-bands. It shows darker and brighter regions as seen on G banding. Each row is vertically aligned at centromere level. The chromosomes are organized into the groups A to G in regard to size, position of the centromere and sometimes the presence of a chromosomal satellite. The chromosome copy numbers are those seen in G0 and G1 of the cell cycle, and at top center it also shows the state of the chromosome 3 pair in the metaphase of the cell cycle, after the synthesis of a copy of each chromosome. The karyogram shows:
- 22 homologous autosomal chromosome pairs
- Both the female (XX) and male (XY) versions of the two sex chromosomes (in green rectangle at bottom right).
- The human mitochondrial genome to scale (at bottom left).

Eigenes Werk, integrating the following Public Domain pictures:

Animal Cell.svg by Kelvin Ma (for mitochondrial localization)

The purple hue for the chromosomes and cell nuclei was digitally sampled from the following image:

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