Human brainstem-thalamus posterior view description


John A Beal, PhD

Dep't. of Cellular Biology & Anatomy, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport
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Human brainstem and thalamus - posterior view

  1. Taenia choroidea (and lateral: Lamina affixa, Stria terminalis)
  2. Thalamus, Pulvinar thalami
  3. (Ventriculus tertius)
  4. Stalk of Glandula pinealis
  5. Habenula
  6. Stria medullaris
  7. Colliculus superior
  8. Brachium colliculi superioris
  9. Colliculus inferior
  10. Brachium colliculi inferioris
  11. Corpus geniculatum mediale
  12. Sulcus medianus
  13. Pedunculus cerebellaris superior
  14. Pedunculus cerebellaris inferior
  15. Pedunculus cerebellaris medius
  16. Tuberculum anterius thalami
  17. Obex, Area postrema

A: Thalamus, B: Mesencephalon, C: Pons, D: Medulla oblongata

On this specimen, the following thalamic structures can be seen: 1. the Epithalamus (Stria Medullaris Thalami, Habenula, & Pineal), 2. the Anterior Nucleus of the dorsal thalamus (Anterior Tubercle) and, 3. the Pulvinar (the large posterior portion of the dorsal thalamus which overhangs the midbrain.

The Medulla, Pons & Midbrain are delineated on the posterior surface of the brainstem.

NOTE: The 4 Colliculi of the tectum are refered to collectively as the Quadrigeminal Plate.

The three Cerebellar Peduncles are shown here as they enter the brainstem on each side. In the Midbrain identify the Superior Colliculus and Inferior Colliculus. Also identify the Brachium of the Superior Colliculus and the Brachium of the Inferior Colliculus which connect with the Lateral Geniculate Body and Medial Geniculate Body, respectively.

The cerebellum forms the roof of the 4th ventricle and is connected to the brainstem by 3 pairs of peduncles or pillars (shown on right side of brainstem) . The peduncles are made up of axons entering and leaving the cerebellum. The Inferior Cerebellar peduncle projects from the medulla, the large Middle Cerebellar Peduncle projects from the Pons, and the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle connects with the midbrain.

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