Hawraman in Iran by Mardetanha (1) 05

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Hawrāmān (also Húrāmān) or Avroman is a mountainous region located in western Iran or Iranian Kurdistan, which includes the cities of Pawe and Meriwan, and north-eastern Iraq or Iraqi Kurdistan, which includes the city Halabja. The inhabitants of Hewraman are Kurdish people that speak Hewrami, part of the Gorani language. Hewraman is best known for its unique arrangement of cities and villages built along the mountain slopes of the region. Ancient religions are also practiced throughout Hewraman and the region is home to the ancient holy places of the Yarsan faith.
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(c) Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0
(c) Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0
(c) Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0
(c) Fars Media Corporation, CC BY 4.0

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