Hans-Martin Hinz - Kolkata 2014-02-13 8888

(c) Biswarup Ganguly, CC BY 3.0

4000 x 6016 Pixel (12353846 Bytes)
Prof. Dr Hans-Martin Hinz is the president of the International Council of Museums or ICOM. This photograph has been taken during an international conference and intensive seminar on 'Strategic Transformations: Museums in 21st Century' that organised by the National Council of Science Museums, India in collaboration with Indian Museum, Kolkata, National Museum, New Delhi (Ministry of Culture Govt. of India) and Indian National Committee of ICOM. It was held at Mini Auditorium, Science City, Kolkata on 13 February, 2014.
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Hans-Martin Hinz

Hans-Martin Hinz ist ein deutscher Geschichtswissenschaftler und Museumsexperte. Von 2010 bis 2016 war er Präsident des International Council of Museums (ICOM). .. weiterlesen