Gadebusch Stadtkirche Orgel (2)

Hans-Jörg Gemeinholzer
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1755 x 2502 Pixel (1030331 Bytes)
Orgel in Gadebusch, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Deutschland
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I hereby assert that I am the creator and/or sole owner of the exclusive copyright of File:Gadebusch Stadtkirche Orgel (2).jpg. I agree to publish that work under the free license Cc-by-3.0. I acknowledge that I grant anyone the right to use the work in a commercial product, and to modify it according to their needs, as long as they abide by the terms of the license and any other applicable laws. I am aware that I always retain copyright of my work, and retain the right to be attributed in accordance with the license chosen. Modifications others make to the work will not be attributed to me. I am aware that the free license only concerns copyright, and I reserve the option to take action against anyone who uses this work in a libelous way, or in violation of personality rights, trademark restrictions, etc. I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw this agreement, and that the work may or may not be kept permanently on a Wikimedia project.

2015-10-24, Hans-Jörg Gemeinholzer
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Weitere Informationen zur Lizenz des Bildes finden Sie hier. Letzte Aktualisierung: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 14:21:16 GMT

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(c) Uwe Barghaan, CC BY-SA 3.0

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