Frontispiece 1863 The Talisman-neat

Autor unbekanntUnknown author
722 x 1284 Pixel (257387 Bytes)

Frontispiece to The Talisman by Walter Scott. Cropped to show printed area cleanly. The same volume also contains a frontispiece to Woodstock.

The caption reads "David Earl of Huntingdon", referring to David of Scotland, 8th Earl of Huntingdon. In his introduction (dated "1st July 1832"), Scott states: "Prince David of Scotland, who was actually in the host [of Richard the Lionheart on crusade], and was the hero of some very romantic adventurs on his way home, was also pressed into my service, and constitutes one of my dramatis personæ."
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Public domain
Scanned from 1863 volume published by A&C Black containing The Talisman and Woodstock
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