Erythrocytes in vertebrates

George Gulliver
1543 x 2748 Pixel (1003412 Bytes)
There is an immense size variation in vertebrate erythrocytes, as well as a correlation between cell and nucleus size. Mammalian erythrocytes, which do not contain nuclei, are considerably smaller than those of most other vertebrates.
Public domain

George Gulliver: Observations on the sizes and shapes of red corpuscles of the blood of vertebrates, with drawings of them to a uniform scale, and extended and revised tables of measurement. Proc Zool Soc London 1875:474–495. Free online access at Biodiversity Heritage Library

This image is based on a previous image from the same author published in the following article. Changes: text was added to the figure, original numbers removed and new ones added. Also, the superimposed Amphiuma-cell is not present in the figure from the following article.

On the Red Corpuscles of the Blood of Vertebrata, and on the Zoological Import of the Nucleus, with Plans of their Structure, Form, and Size (on A Uniform Scale), in many of the different Orders. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. January 1862, pages 91 - 103. Figure is on page 101. Free online access at biodiversity heritage Library online at journal (restricted access)
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