Earth-lighting-winter-solstice EN

Image by Przemyslaw "Blueshade" Idzkiewicz
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1560 x 1024 Pixel (438234 Bytes)
Illumination of Earth by the Sun on the day of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.
A view of the eastern hemisphere showing noon in Central European time zone (ignoring DST) on the day of the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere — this is the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere).
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
This image is hereby released under cc-by-sa license.

Following third-party images were used to create this image:

  • "Earth's City Lights" [1],
  • and "The Blue Marble: Land Surface, Ocean Color and Sea Ice" [2].

These images come from an archive of the American government agency NASA and, as such, they constitute "public domain" content.

Illumination maps were created using "Home Planet" [3] by John Walker.
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Weitere Informationen zur Lizenz des Bildes finden Sie hier. Letzte Aktualisierung: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 00:34:40 GMT

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