ChurchSanAndres BarrioSanPedro 001

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Parish Church of St. Andrew in Barrio de San Pedro (Palencia, Castile and León). Located in the Centre of the village, slightly to the Northwest of the case and scarce 50 m from the road. The Romanesque is purely anecdotal, appearing most of the building as a late Gothic work with remoces neo-classical and Baroque. Box walls rises in excellent sandstone Ashlar yellow stripe and fine-grained that sometimes alternating with other coarser grain appreciated conglomerado as gradient ashlars. The tardorrománico building was raise a single nave, which subtracts the West with the steeple on Gable, steeple that follows the traditional, with a smooth downstairs and bells with two bays slightly pointed, now blind to add in the 18th century this structure a second body of bells, with two embrasures semicircular and auction in sprocket body schema section temple with Campanile and ball decoration. The header is preserved a series of modillones, some decorated with motifs animalísticos as a bird of prey devouring its prey in the North-East angle, prótomos of Canids and other vegetal decoration, or simply profile of ship. The carving can be Gothic pieces that follow the reused Romanesque canecillos models.
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