
Jpvandijk, J.P. van Dijk, Janpieter van Dijk, Johannes Petrus van Dijk
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This picture (van Dijk, 1992, published also in van Dijk, 1994, and coloured versions are in van Dijk et al. 1998, 2000; reproduced by many other authors) shows a geological/ geo-tectonic map of the Central Mediterranean area, comprising the Calabrian Arc. This version of the picture was prepared for Wikipedia, by cleaning and removal of abbreviations and unnecessary section traces and indications.

All authors reproducing this figure in their work in original or modified form are kindly requested to correctly refer to the original source according to standard scientific ethics codes.

It is an original compilation of the present knowledge regarding this complex system, and numerous references and discussions regarding previous knowledge can be found in the extensive bibliographies of van Dijk & Okkes (1990), van Dijk (1992) and van Dijk et al. (2000).

The blue trace on the figure represents the position of the regional geo-tectonic structural cross section which can be found in http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CalabrianArc-GeotectonicSection.jpg.

Numerous features regarding the geo-tectonic structure of the Central Mediterranean Area as underlined by different authors have been indicated in the map: The domains in foreland, arc and back-arc areas, important shear zones that intersect the area and distribute the deformation that has occurred during different episodes of the evolution, and various sectors with specific types of lithosphere and their interrelationships.


van Dijk, J.P., and Okkes, F.W.M. (1988); The analysis of shear zones in Calabria. implications for the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean. La Ricerca Scient., Suppl., 68, 24-27.

van Dijk, J.P., and Okkes, F.W.M. (1990); The analysis of shear zones in Calabria. implications for the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean. Riv. Ital. Strat. Paleont., 96 (2-3), 241-270.

van Dijk, J.P., and Okkes, F.W.M. (1991); Neogene tectonostratigraphy and kinematics of Calabrian Basins. implications for the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean. Tectonophysics, 196, 23-60.

van Dijk, J.P. (1992); Late Neogene fore-arc basin evolution in the Calabrian Arc (Central Mediterranean). Tectonic sequence stratigraphy and dynamic geohistory. With special reference to the geology of Central Calabria. Geologica Ultrajectina, 92, 288 pp.

van Dijk, J.P., and Scheepers, P.J.J. (1995); Neogene rotations in the Calabrian Arc. Implications for a Pliocene-Recent geodynamic scenario for the Central Mediterranean. Earth Sci. Rev., 39, 207-246.

van Dijk, J.P., Barberis, A., Cantarella, G., and Massa, E. (1998); Central Mediterranean Messinian basin evolution. Tectono-eustasy or eustato-tectonics? Annales Tectonicae, 12, n. 1-2, 7-27.

van Dijk, J.P., Bello, M., Brancaleoni, G.P., Cantarella, G., Costa, V., Frixa, A., Golfetto, F., Merlini, S., Riva, M., Toricelli, S., Toscano, C., and Zerilli, A. (2000); A new structural model for the northern sector of the Calabrian Arc. Tectonophysics, 324, 267-320.

van Dijk, J.P., Bello, M., Toscano, C., Bersani, A., and Nardon, S. (2000); Tectonic model and 3D fracture network analysis of Monte Alpi (Southern Apennines). Tectonophysics, 324, 203-237.
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This is my own file. I created it and it is published in my public domain Ph.D. Thesis.
van Dijk, J.P. (1992); ; Late Neogene fore-arc basin evolution in the Calabrian Arc (Central Mediterranean). Tectonic sequence stratigraphy and dynamic geohistory. With special reference to the geology of Central Calabria.Geologica Ultrajectina, Vol. 92, pp. 56, Fig. 1a.
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