Boeddha's Delight

FotoosVanRobin from Netherlands
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1. Soak tigerlily buds for 30 minutes in boiling water. Rinse, drain and discard the tough roots. 2. Soak shiitake/chinese mushroom 30 minutes in boiling water. Drain and sqeeze excess water. Cut the stems out and throw away. Cut into smaller pieces. 3. Soak the dried tree-ear mushroom for 20 minutes in cold water. Drain and sqeeze excess water. Cut into smaller pieces if necessary. 4 Cut gluten and tofu into smaller cubes. 5. Wash the beansprouts and dry well. 6. Blanche the mangetout and cut in 2 or 3 pieces if you like. 7. Cut carrot in diagonal traces 8. Mix 125 ml stock with 2 T light soysauce, 1/2 t sugar, 1 t salt.

Stirfry in hot wok:

  • carrots for 30 seconds
  • add mangetout and beansprouts and stirfry 1 minute.
  • add gluten, tofu, tigerlily buds, 3 kind of mushroom and stock-mixture.

Stir well, add lit and simmer for 2 minutes. (or more)

Add more soysauce (and stock) of you like. Before serving, add 1 t sesame oil.

Eat warm or cold.
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