Announcement of death of 100 of Polish hostages shot by Nazi-German authority in Poland 1941

SS- and Police Chief of Nazi-German Authorites in Poland, district of Warsaw
746 x 1083 Pixel (684886 Bytes)
A poster from the Nazi German authorities in Warsaw listing the names of 60 Polish hostages who had been publicly shot following attacks on two members of the German Wehrmacht and four collaborators, and listing the names of 40 more hostages who would be executed at a ratio of at least 10 to 1 if further attacks occur.



Despite my repeated warnings, cowardly attacks on Germans and persons in German service were again carried out in the city of Warsaw on 10 November 1943. A Wehrmacht member was seriously injured on Obozowa Street, another Wehrmacht member [was seriously injured] on Nowy Świat Street, a factory security guard was shot on Lochowska Street, a Polish police officer was killed in św. Wincenty Street, and two Polish police officers were seriously injured on Redutowa Street and Kepna Street. I therefore allowed the following sixty people, who had been convicted by the Security Police court and who were expected to be given clemency, to be publicly executed by shooting on 12 November 1943:

[list of 60 names]

Furthermore, the Security Police court, under sections 1 and 2 of the Ordinance on Combatting Attacks Against the German Reconstruction Effort in the General Government of 10 October 1943, sentenced the following to death for possession of weapons and participation in banned organizations on 12 November 1943:

[list of 40 names]

The convicts listed under numbers 1 to 40 have prospects of clemency. However, if, in the next three months, in the territory of the City of Warsaw and the District of Warsaw-Land, acts of violence (especially attacks against Germans, citizens of states allied with the Greater German Reich, or non-Germans working in the interests of the reconstruction of the General Government) are committed, then -- if the perpetrator is not caught immediately -- these convicts with prospects of clemency will be executed, in such a way that at least ten will be executed for each such person [attacked].

If the deed is committed by communist elements, clemency will be denied to Communists from the aforementioned group; if the deed is committed by other misguided elements, clemency will be denied to those who are politically close to them.

It is therefore up to the non-German population to ensure that the sentence is not carried out by immediately arresting or arranging for the arrest of the perpetrator, by acting against misguided elements known to them, or by reporting suspicious persons.

Warsaw, 13 November 1943

The SS- and Polizeiführer in the District of Warsaw
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PD German-Gov
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