41467 2020 20149 Fig3btm

Taiki Katayama, Masaru K. Nobu, Hiroyuki Kusada, Xian-Ying Meng, Naoki Hosogi, Katsuyuki Uematsu, Hideyoshi Yoshioka, Yoichi Kamagata, Hideyuki Tamaki
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Membrane-related features observed for phyla with unique cell structures. Cell structures of select species are shown for Atribacteria (Atribacter laminatus RT761, red/left), Thermotogae (Thermotoga maritima, green/center), and Dictyoglomi (Dictyoglomus thermophilum, orange/reight). The illustrations indicate the outer membrane (black), cytoplasmic membrane (blue), intracytoplasmic membrane (purple), and nucleoid (yellow). * For RT761, the shown schematic requires further investigation to conclude the identity/role of each layer.
Fig. 3 (Bottom) at Isolation of a member of the candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ reveals a unique cell membrane structure, Nat Commun 11, 6381 (2020); doi:10.1038/s41467-020-20149-5.
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Atribacterota ist ein Phylum (Abteilung) thermophiler (wärmeliebender) Bakterien, die in anoxischen, methanreichen Sedimenten häufig vorkommen. Frühere provisorische Bezeichnungen sind „Candidatus Caldatribacteriota“, „Candidatus Atribacteria“ , Candidate division JS1 und Candidate division OP9 . .. weiterlesen