1973 sinai war maps

1165 x 894 Pixel (222560 Bytes)
Sinai maps, from the US Military Academy History archives (copyright US government?)

Background information: In 1938 the predecessors of what is today The Department of History at the United States Military Academy began developing a series of campaign atlases to aid in teaching cadets a course entitled, "History of the Military Art." Since then, the Department has produced over six atlases and more than one thousand maps, encompassing not only America’s wars but global conflicts as well.

In keeping abreast with today's technology, the Department of History is providing these maps on the internet as part of the department's outreach program. The maps were created by the United States Military Academy’s Department of History and are the digital versions from the atlases printed by the United States Defense Printing Agency. We gratefully acknowledge the accomplishments of the department's former cartographer, Mr. Edward J. Krasnoborski, along with the works of our present cartographer, Mr. Frank Martini.

Please be aware that these maps are large in file size and may require substantial download times..
Public domain
  • Source: Department of History, U.S. Military Academy
  • URL: [1]
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