Map of states and counties affected by the Dust Bowl, sourced from US federal government dept. (NRCS SSRA-RAD)

Soil Science and Resource Assessment, Resource Assessment Division (NRCS SSRA-RAD) (Division of the U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture)
691 x 633 Pixel (4874608 Bytes)
Based only on that PNG image. I made this file primarily using QGIS, and the following public domain [ shapefiles from]:

cb_2015_us_state_20m cb_2015_us_county_5m

The map projection is:

NAD83(2011) / Texas Centric Albers Equal Area

+proj=aea +lat_1=27.5 +lat_2=35 +lat_0=18 +lon_0=-100 +x_0=1500000 +y_0=6000000 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs

The original PNG, rotated and scaled slightly to fit this version of the Albers EA projection, is in the image for your comparison.

The approximated areas of the Dust Bowl were traced from the PNG in InkScape, no shapefile was made or used.

This is definitely the current crown jewel of my Wikipedia images. It took the longest to research and make and it took lots of software. But it was definitely worth it - this map has been requested by readers of w:en:Dust Bowl three times. Someone had to deliver eventually.
Public domain

Based on map by ID m12545a/55 by Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Science and Resource Assessment, Resource Assessment Division (NRCS SSRA- RAD) Baitsville, MD Jan 2012

The source of that map: Map 2579, March 1954, U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service
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Dust Bowl

Dust Bowl wurden in der Zeit der Weltwirtschaftskrise in den USA und Kanada Teile der Großen Ebenen genannt, die in den 1930er Jahren – besonders in den Jahren 1935 bis 1938 – von verheerenden Dürren und Staubstürmen betroffen waren. Nach der Rodung des Präriegrases zur Urbarmachung für eine „neue“ bzw. andere landwirtschaftliche Nutzung hatten jahrelange Dürren fatale Auswirkungen. .. weiterlesen