Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy

Anonymous. This poster is no. 64 in a series entitled "Erblehre und Rassenkunde" (Theory of Inheritance and Racial Hygiene), published by the Verlag fuer nationale Literatur (Publisher for National Literature), Stuttgart, ca. 1935.
336 x 450 Pixel (167353 Bytes)
The text at the top reads: "World politics World revolution." The text at the bottom reads, "Freemasonry is an international organization beholden to Jewry with the political goal of establishing Jewish domination through world-wide revolution." The map, decorated with Masonic symbols (temple, square, and apron), shows where revolutions took place in Europe from the French Revolution in 1789 through the German Revolution in 1919.
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(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-W1028-507 / CC-BY-SA 3.0

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