A. Nevsky Cathedral in Warsaw (Aerial)

AnonymUnknown author
3760 x 2613 Pixel (2087561 Bytes)
Arial Photo of Warsaw in early 1920's. Visible in the center of the photo is Saxon Square with Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in the middle behind the cathedral one can see Saxon Palace and the dark region in the top center of the image is Saxon Garden, with round water tower visible. To the right of Saxon Palace on diagonal to the grid one can see Brühl Palace. To the left of Saxon Palace on other side of Królewska St. one can see Gmach Zachęty. The intersection in the lower-left quadrant is Królewska St. (vertical) and Krakowskie Przedmieście (horizontal). At that intersection one can see Kościół Wizytek, than moving to the right along Krakowskie Przedmieście street one can see Hotel Europejski, Hotel Bristol and Pałac Potockich.
Public domain
Image from Marek Tuszyński's collection of old prints. Scan from 16.5 × 11 cm print.
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